Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Rainy days makes sunshine that much better!

This morning I did NOT want to get out of bed. It was dark, rainy and cold out. I allowed my alarm to go off several times before actually getting out of bed. This caused me to be a tad bit late than usual but that is what rainy days are for in my opinion. I think that people should take it slower when the weather is bad anyway.

I got to work this morning and poured myself a cup of coffee! It was so gooood! I love a hot cup of coffee when it is this dreary out.

After about an hour I decided that breakfast needed to be had. This was my choice this morning. I did have a side of about 3 egg whites (again, egg whites in a bowl doesn't make for a good picture). What can I say? A girl needs her protein!

Today is going to fly by...I can already tell. I will be OFF tomorrow as it is a bank holiday and that means that tonight I am going to have some much needed fun. I will say. I was boring over the weekend so maybe tonight I will actually go out and do something. K gets home tonight as well so I think that right there is a match made in heaven!

I must say that today's eats will pretty much be the same today as yesterday so I wont bore you with the same ol pictures. I will however show you the Quorn "turkey" burger that I have made for lunch today. Hold on to your pants peeps, this was HEAVEN!

WHOA! This is the heaviest lunch that I have had in ages! I didn't even eat the chips. The Quorn "turkey" burger doesn't look half amazing as it truly was. I am hooked on these patties!

Before lunch I did get in some much needed cardio at the YMCA I ran for 30 minutes and it flew by. I am going to go back to the gym after work for a training session so I didn't want to over do it before I got into it again. So 30 minutes at lunch and I will try and get in another 20 before the training session. I think that tomorrow is going to be a rest day for me. I am way over due!

I plan on going to a knit night tonight with the girls and drinking a glass or two of wine. I cant wait. Lately I have REALLY been enjoying my alone time it is so necessary sometimes to just relax by yourself. Tomorrow my eats will be all over the place. I plan on going for a wonderful walk with Karen and then eating lunch at one of our favorite places! I cant wait to come back on Thursday and the week almost be over. I will have some really great things to talk about. So sorry for the short post but I don't have much today for yall! See you on Thursday!
