Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sooooo close!

I am counting down the days! I am so ready to spend some quality family time. For sure! Yesterday a few things happened that I was happy about. I went and looked at a place (actually a few) and really liked one of them. I knew right when I saw the third house that the upstairs apartment would be PERFECT for me, the only problem was the price was not right. The realty company wanted 525.00 for the apartment and I already knew that was not in my budget. I went for it and asked if he would take 400.00. Now, I know that was a BIG stretch and I pretty much knew that he wouldn't take 125.00 of the rent for me but the Realtor said that he would ask the owner. This morning I got the call....

He said that he would take 425.00!!! It is a deal! I have found the place of my dreams and I cant believe that I am going to be moving into a beautiful apartment ALONE! This is still going to cause me to really buckle down as far as spending goes but I think in the long run, it would be so worth it. It is just a 6 month lease and then he said he would reevaluate it in July. I have two months to save a bit and get the things that I need to move in. I am ready now but decided that waiting is for the best. So....what does the place look like???

Well here is the house. The whole upstairs is mine! Merry Christmas to me!!!How cute, right?!? I LOVE that it has a tin roof too! The bottom apartment is empty so I am excited to see who will be moving in there when I get moved in. This is going to be a great thing for sure.

Ok, so I don't have any reviews this week. I have been SOOOOO busy with Christmas and trying to find a place to move. Heck, I wasnt even able to get a post done yesterday! Today my eats will be the same. The only difference is today is going to be a cardio day. Yesterday I felt really bad. I still have a soar throat, headache, achy bod and a tiny fever. I don't feel half as bad as I did yesterday but because I felt so ill I took a rest day. Today though, will be "sweat this bug out so that I can enjoy my holiday" day. This is the plan anyway.

Breakfast to fuel this sweat session. Two slices of Gluten Free bread, fat free cottage cheese a orange and some un pictured PB2. It was a HUGE breakfast but I did 30 minutes of running and 10 minutes on the stair climber on lunch and it KICKED my BUTT! Literally. I will go on a nice walk with Karen this evening and make sure to do at least 30 minutes of stretching. That should do it. Tomorrow I will have to day a day of rest as well. I will be working and then heading straight to Warner Robins. I will be driving s-l-o-w for sure because it is Christmas and police are everywhere. Lunch was almost as big as breakfast (usually I divide it into two and eat half at 8:30 and then the other half at 11:30 and then to the gym at 12:30 just so you know.) Here is today's big and filling lunch! Dinner will be light for sure. That is the biggest "salad" that I have ever had...Yes, that is cheese you see. Sorry, I just had to do it. I also ate a few pieces of dark chocolate.

Dinner...I have no idea yet. I feel either a snack plate coming on or a nice hot soup. My throat is still soar and this may be a good thing for me. I am outta here. Gosh, I am just now able to post this and it is getting late. I will see you tomorrow! I will be on holiday for a few days so no posting until Tuesday. See ya!
