Monday, December 28, 2009

Back to work.

I am back to work after 4 days of holiday fun. I am glad that I made it through the holidays but I am sad to see my family time go away. I need to visit home more often. I made it through the holiday season without gaining any weight and emptying my wallet. Just how it should be. How did your Christmas go? I tried my best to catch up with some bloggers that I follow but really haven't had the chance to yet. No worries though...I will be reading!

I wanted to sum up my holiday with a few words but I just can. To much went on. I got to see everyone that I wanted to and ate some great food, not too much though ;)

There is one thing that made MANY appearances through out my holiday gathering and here are just a few pictures to let you see what I mean. Our Christmas setting! Fizzy Riesling.

Fizzy water with lime.

Fizzy sweet tea and lemonade. Fizzy pomegranate juice.

So what does all these things have in common???

Well, the soda streamer of course. I know that I just devoted a whole post to this product but seriously....It has taken over my life. With it being so portable, I almost don't leave home without it. I took it to several friends houses and it was the talk of the evening. It made making drinks so much fun! People were fighting over who go to to "pump" it! Gosh, I am thinking that this should have entered my life a long time ago....

This is the plate for Christmas! I had this at a friends house (I have no pictures of the plate that I had at my grandmothers house. I had MANY Christmas dinners over the last week or so. It was so weird. Here I was so close to Christmas and thought to myself "I actually LOST weight during this season!" "I haven't been to that many holiday parties or even indulged in that many holiday treats! Well, that all changed very quickly. Within a day or two I had a packed schedule with all sorts of things to do. Food of course, was offered and I totally partook. I did however tried to stick to my rule...Fill up on as many veggies as possible. I love the saying "Try everything, eat nothing." This means that you can have a LITTLE bit of everything (a bite or two) and not feel like you are missing out but there is no reason to have a HUGE piece of pie. The saying goes that the first THREE bites are the best after is not the same. So next time you are at a function, party or gathering take this rule of thumb with you. You wont be sorry you did!
Ok, so on to some of the highlights!
-I got to have a mother daughter sleep over at my sisters house.
-Had sparkling sake with my sis
-Took goofy pictures with my family
-went to Star Bucks with my mom on Christmas day and sat and talked for a while.
-Got some great, practical gifts
-Had my tarot cards read
-got in two great runs (even on Christmas Day ;)
-Cash from my step-mom and Grandmother (NEEDED THIS!)
Ate some WONDERFUL home cooked food. My grandmother made sure that there were things for me to eat that I would feel comfortable with.
Some unfortunate things that happened was.
-My sister and boyfriend got into a car accident on Christmas Eve which totalled his car. My mom and I saw the whole thing because we were following each other. We ended up sitting in a ambulance for a while and it really put a damper on the evening.
-Had to have a heart to heart with my mom about her health.
-Lost a gift card that I got
-found out that I have to pay a 150.00 pet deposit and application fee...
All in all (even with the not so good things) I had a blast and LOVED every minute with my fam. It is so rare that everyone is together AND willing to spend so much time together. I especially loved the time with my mom.
Ok! This is my Christmas re-cap. I wish that I had more to report but honestly I loved not having computer access and not carrying my camera with me everywhere. I have some great things to report and review for you. I am going to Thursday tell you my entire schedule and what my meals and workouts are and give you some of my inside tips! So be looking out!
See you tomorrow! Have a great day!