Friday, April 22, 2011

My KICK ASS interval yoga routine.

So you want to stretch? You want to tone? You want to burn fat? BUT you dont feel like doing 40 minutes on the tread mill and then 40 minutes of weights only to be crawling out of the gym and so worn out that you end up laying on the couch watching the bachelor while eating chocolate? Well, this is a 40 minute interval/yoga session that will do everything in one! I have recently been incorporating this into my routine and have been seeing more results than ever before. I came up with this all on my own and it works! Well, for me anyway.... If you try this once (and can actually get through it) then you offically get a "badass award" from yours truely. I do it about three times a week. This this, if you dare:

First I want to preface this with if I tell you to do a yoga pose know that it starts with a downward dog (3 breaths) and moves into cobra pose,, downward dog,then the pose on the right foot, back into downward dog, Cobra pose, downward dog, then the pose on the left foot. So you do the same pose but on each side. I hope this makes sense.... Ready?

So start with a ten breath downward dog (to get the blod going).

Warrior One

both sides

Warrior Two:

Both sides

10 Tricep Push ups

Triangle pose:

Both sides

10 wide legged push ups (spread your legs wide and do a regular push up, these are hard).

Side plank (hold as long as you can on each side)

Standing forward bend

both sides.
Chair pose with a prayer twist on each side 10 times, I dont have a picture.
Standing split
standing forward bend

both sides
Then you rest here in a meditation pose to stretch your quads. For about 2 minutes. Then it is ab time!
I lay with my knees to my chest for a little while. You can rock back and forth to massage your lower back and then sit up to teaser pose. I like to do three rounds. First hold this pose until you cant anymore. Then knees to chest for a rest. Then back into teaser and tap one foot on the ground and then the other (as many as you can). Then back to knees to chest. Then right back to the dreaded teaser and then both feet all the way down, roll down on your back but dont let your shoulders or feet touch the ground and then pull yourself back into this pose. Do this as many times as you can (I can only do 15). Then Stretch....

Anyway, you FEEL like you should. I always go into relaxation pose (which is basically just laying on the floor) and meditate for about 10 minutes after all this. I dont like to tell you how to "wind down" listen to your body and stretch from head to toe. You deserve it!

Gosh, I hope that this makes since. I am NOT a yoga teacher. I barely know the pose names. I am sure I messed up a few of them. This workout comes naturally to me. I just made it up. If there is something that does not feel right, dont do it or modify the pose. This is a intermediate to advanced session so if you dont get through the whole thing, sont beat yourself up. It took me years to get a good yoga burn! The main thing is to have some good music and HAVE FUN while doing it. Seriously, I actually look forward to this workout. I do each move as slow as I possibly can. FORM IS IMPORTANT.

Tell me what you think!