Thursday, July 30, 2009

Welcome to the World of the Ginger People
The Ginger People is the leading brand of ginger in North America. With state-of-the-art ginger factories in both California and Australia, we take pride in being the most innovative, quality-oriented and environmentally conscious ginger producer in the world.

I was greatly surprised to get a wonderful package from The Ginger People! I LOVE this product and cant rave enough about them. Last night before going to the movies I opened up the small bags of assorted flavors and then put them in my purse for some movie chewing! I first tried out the peanut ginger chews then proceeded to the spicy apple and then on to the original. I was going to do a review on each one but I dont have to. Each flavor (and I tried them all!) have one thing in common....AWESOMENESS!!! Amazing and the absolute perfect thing to have after a meal or snack in my opinion. Not to sweet, not to spicy. Just right. The Ginger People did something right!

I think that little Ginger guy is the cutest! I love how they are individually wrapped. These are so easy to throw in your purse, desk or to have around the house. LOVE EM! Go to their site and check out their products. My gosh their sauces look amazing!
Thanks Ginger People for the surprise. You guys get two thumbs up from me! Keep up the amazing work. I have to say. The first thing that I did when I woke up was eat a peanut Ginger chew (shhhhhh). I am not kidding. I was thinking about them all night!

So, after my morning chew I got up stretched a bit, brushed those teeth and out the door I went. Yes...another night of no good sleep. In my dreams last night I was making HUGE egg and cheese sandwiches...Weird, very weird. Anyway, I decided that I wouldnt bore you with the same ole same ole food today. I am having the exact same thing today as I have been for the last few days. I am one of those peeps! I can eat the same thing over and over again if I love it. One thing that I will show you though is my oats. Those are ever changing! Are you drooling yet? I know that I am. Blended oat bran with walnuts, almond butter and the best over ripe banana I could find. Perfection. I never ever get sick of my oats...That is for sure. Today I am going to go on a walk with a co worker hopefully getting in about 3.5 miles for a 55 minute walk (we are super power women!).

Oh yes, and dont forget about my give-a-way!!! It is going to be announced tomorrow babes! I am excited about sharing with you all!