Thursday, September 10, 2009


As if the title wasn't enough...IT'S MY BIRTHDAY! YAY! This year has flown by and wow has it been eventful. I am thinking this morning of all the things that have happened to me through out this year. I will share some with you (Please don't think that I am complaining I am trying to share the truth.) This year I have Moved into a new office building and met some amazing co workers that I adore, started being a personal trainer and saw some amazing results, Had a tree fall on my house and got through one of the worst winters of my life, got out of a relationship that I have spent the last two years trying to get out of, moved, bought a "new" car, made some new friends, sang my heart out and started playing piano, cut my hair, went to dinner, the movies and got my nails done by myself and LOVED it, became ok with talking to myself out loud (this is a weird one but for some reason I always felt weird about talking to myself out loud if I wasn't actually talking to someone directly, now I constantly speak out loud to myself.) I maintained my weight for a full year (now were talkin!), made some great recipes (oat bran how I love the), I started blogging!!!! Made yoga a weekly practice, got a new cell phone, became VERY close to my step-mom, had some eye opening heart to hearts with my mom, danced my butt off, Traveled alone for the first time and grew so much through the trip, got two injuries and pulled through it.

Wow! That is a lot! I have been through a ton and I am sure that there is more that I am not even thinking of right now. So much can happen in a year. I decided to do something this year. I decided that I am not going to do new years resolutions anymore. I will be doing birthday resolutions. Why wait until January??? I am going to make a promise to myself right now to really take the best care of myself this year and allow myself some fun! I have been tightly wound the last 6 months with being SUPER strict with going out, eating, working out and going to bed. No more! I am going to continue to intuitive eating and that goes for everything else. Life is too short! I am going to allow myself what I want and in moderation of course.

This morning I got a few gifts and one that really made me smile was these!
Shelly (my fav) herd me talking in the kitchen the other day that I bought myself some figs for my birthday and that I haven't had any all summer long. This morning she came in with the sweetest card, some antibacterial wipes (for after our sweat sessions) and these beauties! I love you Shelly. The bag had several and you know that I dug right in. I also got a set of measuring cups for the kitchen (girl knows me!!!). I thought to myself this morning....What do I want for breakfast...What does this birthday girl want??? Well as you know...I love this so I went for it!
banana, pb2 oat bran....I love you! This warmed my heart. It's the truth. I loved every bite!
After the figs and the oats I am getting geared up for a killer workout. I am only going to do one session today and you better believe that I am going to sweat baby. I plan on doing at least 45 minutes of intervals, maybe the elliptical, stair climber and treadmill...We shall see.
This afternoon I am going to stick to the chicken salad again. I know, I know, I know but you can say one thing. Dinner and desert will be another story. I am going to the fanciest restaurant in town tonight for a drink and I just may have to treat myself to dinner. Tomorrow is going to be my special relaxing day and I know that for sure now...I am getting today food from They don't know it but the desert that they send me today will be my "birthday cake"! I am going to have a whole day of glorious raw food shipped to me straight from New York! I cant wait! I will have a review on Tuesday morning for them. Thanks Rebecca! You really made my day and I know that tomorrow is going to be amazing.
Well I know that it is my birthday and all today but I want to give you (well, one lucky reader) a present. I am going to announce the winner of my give-a-way!!!
Katie Thigpen! You are the winner (generated number 53). I need your address to ship the antioxidant powder to you! Please get in touch with me so that I can let tropical traditions where to send your package. I hope this makes your day!
I would also like to say a big thank you to some of the folks that have sent me such great products this year to try. Some of my absolute favorites are:
Yoga Paws,
Cure Products,
I SUN skin care,
Stoney Farms,
Katalyst Kombucha,
Pom Wonderful,
Rudis Bakery,
Pure Bars,
Amazing grass,
Newmans Own Organics,
premier organics,
tropical traditions
and my fav...
prestige wine group.
I got some killer items this year and thanks to you all for your gracious gifts! I couldn't blog with out you. There are TONS others so please don't get your feelings hurt if I didn't mention you. These are just the ones that stand out to me now. I would also like to thank some of the awesome people that I have come in contact with and even though you may not know it your e-mails and kind words really true made this girl smile and happy that I contacted you. The best customer service came form my top 5!
Sally Shepard-Newman organics
John Uniackle- prestige wine group
Bunnie Gulick-I SUN
Tristan Bertheaud- Premier Organics
Jaime G- Yoga Paws
All five of you made my day in one way or another. Not to get too personal but I received a sweet e-mail from you all when I REALLY needed it. Sometimes you don't know that you made a difference in someones life but just sending a "hello", "how are you?", "we are sending you this" and "Heather, I hope that this makes your day". You all have in one way or another. I like to give thanks to you. You guys rock and do your jobs so well. Getting right back to me, sending me extra to give to a lucky reader and some just telling me that everything is going to be ok, to be strong when I needed it more than ever. A deeeeeeep thank you goes out to you all.
Ok! Now that I feel better and got that off my chest. I am going to go and try to enjoy this work day. I will see you all on Monday with reviews and news! Perhaps a birthday picture or two!
Luv ya lots!