You all make me feel so much better when I am having a bad day, you make me laugh with stories of your lives when I feel like my life is boring or stressful, you push me to keep up with what is new on the market, and drive me to stay on top and be the best that I can be. Mostly make me feel special. I gotta say, when I started this blog I thought "who the hell will care what I eat? When I work out? How I workout? My recipes? or my life in general. I thought "well, this is going to be interesting but I am willing to give it a shot if that means I get free products and help the ones that I am training currently." Sorry but that's the truth. You knew I was in it for the goods. Right?
Anyway, I was (and still am) blown away that you guys think that I am interesting and worth the 5 minutes it takes to read my posts. It is a little weird at times for me doing it. I am a SUPER private person (you wouldn't know it by the blog) and normally people have no idea what I do or anything. I have only told MAYBE 5 people about my blog where I live. 99% of my readers are from all over the WORLD! Yes, that's right! I now have some lovely readers from Germany, France and England! (Hello to you newbies, I am so glad that you joined me!). You know what that means...products from around the world!!! I have already gotten apple rosemary jams from France and of course you read recently about the coffee from Guatemala. I am going to be branching out so get ready for some international products that you can have delivered straight to your door. I also will be wine tasting!!! I am so lucky to have the opportunity to try some organic, fair trade wines! Yay!
Yall make me laugh because you make me feel like I have a interesting life! I got a e-mail begging (seriously) begging me to do a weekend post. I don't post on the weekends because that is MY time to just do whatever and most people I have found don't read on the weekends but just this once, I'll do it for you! Sue, I'll call her, asked me what a typical Saturday includes for me. Well Missy, I will tell you and in order. Oh boy....I hate it when I do this because I read it back and realize I am a bigger freak than I thought. You asked so I am going to be honest. Sigh....
8:00-Coffee pot fills and I wake up to the smell. (I set the coffee maker to automatically turn on at 8:00 am to lure me out of bed).
9:00-sip coffee (in bed, naturally) and 1 liter of water (back and forth) til I have to pee, bad.
10:00-HANGRY, jittery and ready to get some food in my bod.
10:10- 3 egg whites, PB2 and 1 slice of Ezekiel bread. Sometimes some fruit.
10:45-at the gym for my interval hell session. Basically, I just go until I cant go anymore. I usually leave around 1:30.
2:00-Shower and stretch. Then it's SMOOTHIE TIME. Get some quick digesting protein and good carbs in my system. I pretty much drink a concoction that only I would drink. My roommates in the past would gather in the kitchen to see what the heck I would throw into the blender. You seen it a million times. Usually it consists of raw eggs, spinach, 1/2 banana, spirulina, wheat grass, chia seeds, mango, unsweetened almond milk, maca powder, stevia and cinnamon. A weight loss, head spinning freakin awesome (in my book) meal. I have been known to throw other weird things in the mix but I wont bore you with all that. I have the gums now so no ice is needed! It's SO nice!
After fueling up:
2:30-I then go on a walk with this lady... (4 miles usually runs us about 1 hour and 15 minutes). We get to gab too. That is just my style. I like to do two things at once.
4:00- Gobble a apple, run errands, iced coffee is consumed and shopping of some sort. I facebook, blog.
5:15ish- Granola and greek yogurt (If I am aware of being hungry) I say this because here of late I have totally forgotten about eating. This is weird because I use to schedule my life around my meals. Ever since I started "intuitively eating" I eat only when my tummy tells me to. Not before. About 30-45 minutes of yoga.
7:00-Dinner: Which almost always is a salad with protein of some sort. I am sorry guys....If we go out to dinner....I will be that girl. Salad for me please! I will have a drink or two though ;)
And hangin with this guy.
8:30-9:00-Usually back at home by this point and then end up playing some music, talk on the phone or hang out with this dude on the roof of my house.

That my friends is the day in the life of Heather. For Saturday anyway. Sundays is another story all together. This is not what happens every Saturday by any means but Sue I think wanted to know more about my exercise and that sort of thing, so that's why I touched on that subject more.
No... I will not be posting on Saturdays and Sundays so don't get excited. I love you....but I gotta have some down time .
See you Monday!