I want to present to you....Pure Via!

How PureVia Is Made –A Natural Process
A pure extract of the naturally sweet stevia plant is the secret to PureVia’s sweetness. It’s called Reb A and is the sweetest and best tasting part of the stevia plant. At Whole Earth Sweetener Co., we work in partnership with PureCircle to ensure that PureVia is sweetened with the highest quality of this natural sweetener. And because we work with a single company to source Reb A, we are confident in the consistent quality of this important ingredient.
PureVia only contains natural ingredients. The pure Reb A from the stevia plant that sweetens PureVia starts with stevia leaves, which are first milled and then steeped in water using a brewing method that is similar to brewing tea. The resulting stevia extract is then further purified to separate the Reb A through a proprietary technology using ethanol. PureCircle uses ethanol, made naturally from sugar cane, and does not use methanol to purify Reb A.
Finally, Reb A, the sweetest part of the leaf, is extracted, purified and then combined with other natural ingredients to make PureVia.

Sugar In Your Diet -The Not So Sweet Facts
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the average American consumes up to 20 teaspoons of sugar every day – double the recommended amount!
Sugar comes in lots of different forms. The most common is table sugar. Other sugars include brown sugar, honey, maple syrup, maltose, lactose, dextrose, fructose, corn syrup, molasses, turbinado and juice concentrates.
Most sugars such as table sugar are highly refined. That means all the natural vitamins and minerals have been stripped away.
Today, sugar can be found not only in desserts and snack foods but is also hidden in unlikely foods such as canned vegetables or fish. High sugar, low nutrient foods such as candies and processed foods should be consumed in moderation.
Here are some examples:
Sources of sugar (1 teaspoon = 4 grams sugar)
Serving Size and amount is listed
Pancake syrup, ¼ cup
=8 teaspoons of sugar
Granola, 2/3 cup
=4 teaspoons of sugar
Fruit drinks, 8 oz
=8.5 teaspoons of sugar
Restaurant chocolate cake, 1 slice
=13 teaspoons of sugar
Soft drink, 8oz
=7 teaspoons of sugar

Use our quick and easy sugar calculator to learn how much sugar you’re adding to your diet. Click here
Wow, that is a ton of sugar! I was surprised when I read the numbers on this study. Ever wonder if sugar is hidden in your diet and didn't know it? Well, here is some interesting information that might surprise you!
Hidden sources of sugar
-Savory processed foods such as canned soups, bottled dressings and spaghetti sauces can be surprisingly high in added sugar.
-Many chewing gums and breath mints have sugars in them.
-Make sure you read the labels of packaged food: glucose, maltose, fructose and corn syrup are all common ingredients in processed foods, and they are all sugars!
-Brown sugar is exactly the same as white sugar, nutritionally speaking - even though it may seem like it’s less processed.
This totally got me thinking. I am sure that I consume hidden sugar and dont know it. With the help of Pure Via, I think that I can keep my blood sugar level and combat the use of real sugar with this substitute! I am telling you...it tastes great! I also love how portable they are. I can throw a few in my purse and always have some handy.

A Healthy Weight
Eat and drink more calories than you burn through physical activity, and you’ll gain weight. And vice versa. It’s really that simple.
Combine a nutritious eating plan with daily physical activity, and you’re on your way to a healthy weight.
Your nutritious eating plan should include fresh fruit and vegetables with every meal and should limit the amount of processed or packaged foods. Also, try to enjoy a variety of foods from each of the key food groups daily, including grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat & beans and healthy oils.
Staying at a healthy weight for your age, height and body type can help you fight a number of health problems including:
Type 2 diabetes
high blood pressure
high blood cholesterol
coronary heart disease
What’s a healthy weight? The best way to find out is to ask your doctor or registered dietitian.
You can use our quick and easy BMI calculator to learn about the weight category you are in. Click here
I hope that all this info was helpful for you! Please, if you are looking for a sugar substitute Pure Via is the one to go with. So tatsy and I seriously couldnt even tell a difference!
For more information and products go to.
I give Pure Via a 10! You guys rock!