As you may already know....I have had some bad luck recently. I have broken a few blenders and a couple laptops...yeah, I don't know what my deal is. I had a vacation planned for the end of the month but ended up taking on a house sitting job to earn some extra cash and decided that I would take the second week of June of to have a girls vacation with my best friend in the whole world! Well, because of the way my luck has been going it came to no surprise when it had to be canceled. :(
My Bf has an amazing job in the film industry and a position was offered on the set of a movie that she just couldn't refuse. I don't blame her! I was a little relieved because of breaking my brand new laptop and pretty much loosing out on 750.00. I tried to take vacation at another time but because I already moved my dates around once I wasn't able to do it twice. So, I have a whole 9 days off the second week of June with absolutely nothing to do...sigh. I just may have to do something alone (which I always end up doing). I like to take trips alone and traveling by yourself can be a lot of fun. I do plan on some pamper time that is for sure and I want to visit Karen while on vacation too. We will see. Something else that I was looking forward to for the last three months was this. The new Sex in the City Movie!!! I have had it on my calendar for the last three months. Opening day is TONIGHT and I have been dreaming of watching the movie while sipping on something sparkling (yes, there are times when you have got to sneak in a little bottle of processco, don't hate) and the darkest most rich chocolate that I could find. This was the plan anyway...The whole plan was for Karen and I to see the movie on opening night, then she was going to go to Florida with her family for a few days and then drive back and the two of us were going to go on our beach trip. Unfortunately because of what I already told you, the above happened.
Yesterday however...I got this text message. "Wanna go to SATC matinee tomorrow? Can u do it? Cause I aint leavin til Friday."
I was overwhelmed with joy!!! YAY!!!! But then it set in...Work.
I thought "there is no way that they are going to let me leave early on Thursday..." I text messaged K back and asked what time the movie was.
"4:30 is the latest matinee." When I got the text I thought "Hey, I may be able to swing this....maybe I can get off at 4:00 and go straight there..." I was sitting there thinking and then I got this text..."Or we could pay 2 dollars more and go at 6:20."
2 dollars more?!? Who cares about two bucks! (Only, Karen would think about me being able to save two she tryin to call me cheap!?!). Anyway, I text messaged her back and said "6:20 it is!" Her reply...."Tickets are bought and on me...your in charge of refreshments."
Now here's the problem! I get off at 5:00 I have got to walk the dog, water the garden and take a shower. PLUS I have to stop by the package store now to get a couple small bottles of wine...Can I do this all in under a hour and meet K at 6:00? Well, we shall see. I have a doctors appointment to top it all off as well. I am breathing and I can tell you one thing....Aint nothin going to stop me from getting to this movie with my best friend, nothin! Karen leaves for Flordia tomorrow and I will not be able to see her for a while so I am going to soak up every minute I can with that girl...
Do you guys remember K's birthday? Remember what she got?
This photo cracks me up! She is soooooo cute and when she opened this gift, freaked out! Of course we had to play! Because I had only just watched SATC for the first time last summer I could barely answer any questions...K on the other hand...knows it all! You see, when Sex and the City came out I wasn't into the show at all. In fact I hated it. I know why too...I was married for god's sake! I didn't want to watch a show about women in their late 20's early 30's single and livin it up...I just couldn't relate to it at all. So, I skipped the show all together and whenever I would hear girls talking and laughing about the show I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on.
Well, two years later, that all changed...I found myself living with K and another roomie (both single) and starting completely over. I had no idea where to start really. The thought of being thrown back into the dating world honestly scared the crap out of me, so much had gone on in my life that I was barely able to recognize my life. Well, if it weren't for my best friend, who the hell knows what would have happened to me...(No, I am not going to tell the story of how I got to where I was this time last year, you can read this post.) Instead, Karen said to me one day..."You gotta watch Sex in the City girrrrrrl, that's what you need!" I was living with two boy crazy fun ladies and lets me honest...boy crazy and my name has never been in the same sentence. I was trying my best to warm up to the idea of getting out there again and being more social. It was just taking some time. One night, Karen came home with a bottle of wine and we rented the first season of Sex and the City. Needless to say, it was all down hill from there!
No kidding, we watched all six seasons in a matter of 3 months and moved on to the movie. It was the best thing that ever happened to me! Seriously. Time after time it hit the spot and made me chuckle like no body's business. I cant believe how right on the show really is. I would watch this show and think to myself "Thank god for K and thank god for this show." Looking back at the year that I spent with my roomies one thing stands out....Sex and the City. That and tons of wine, cheese, chocolate and crackers we ate while watching it! I have no idea how I was so small last year. I spent most of my time in bed with Karen snacking and watching the show.
Well, I almost thought that I wouldn't be able to see the movie on opening night and I certainly wouldn't dare go to see it without my girl. Karen totally came through and when I got that text last night it made me SMILE! Needless to say...I am going to get out of work today and run like no body's business. It is all going to happen and by 8:30 I will have completed the SATC experience. I am not very girly. I cant remember the last time I took a bubble bath, had a pedicure or bought perfume. I can say this though....Girly or not, you cant take Sex and the City away from me. It lies in my heart and I don't care how cheesy it sounds. I love it!
Sorry to all the guys that read (yeah, like the three that do) this post is all about my SATC day and the events that take place. I just had to. I know that you will be hearing about the movie on the radio, seeing girls dressed up giggling around town and watching commercials for a while promoting it, this post will just go right along with the madness.
So this evening after a crazy day at work, doctors appointment, walking dog, watering garden, showering and mixing up a "special treat" for the movie I will be sitting in a cool theatre actually watching a movie (last time I went to the movies by the way was alone 2 years ago...). I am beyond excited!
I could have Girls Night over and over. Whether that be: Hangin at my new place... Holidays like Valentines...Being total goof balls. Or dinners at home or Casa Mia . Karen is my go to girl!
So now you know what I am thinking about today, all day....What Karen doesnt know is that I have some things up my sleeve as well. She doesnt get to suprise me and not get one herself. She is going to be happy when she see's me....for sure! See you tomorrow for my last post until Wed, I will of course give you the low down on the movie (not spoiling anything of course)! I am taking some time off to do absolutely....what I want!