Good morning and HAPPY Friday! I have some things that I want to address this morning so either read on or just skip to the eats! First though I want to just say that I had a fabulous time at the movie last night and it was worth every second. K and I got great seats and even some "snacks" to go with the movie. All in all, a great twist to a normally boring Thursday evening. I like that I get off at 12:00 today. I plan on swimming (if it doesnt rain) and laying in the sun for a bit. I want to start this looooong weekend off right!
I am so glad that this week is coming to a end (for more reasons than just one), it has been a tough one. The house sitting is almost over and I will be free to do what I want for a few days. Just a little note to all my readers, I am taking off from the blog world and work Monday and Tuesday so I will not be posting the winner of the Easy Lunch Boxes until Wed morning! Sorry, but a girl needs her rest for a couple of days. This weekend is MUCH deserved. I have a whole weekend with no plans....should I go somewhere? Any suggestions? I never have 4 days off in a row, I wont know what to do with myself. Movin on.
I had something that REALLY upset me the other day. I talked to one of my favorite (ok seriously MY FAVORITE) companies about getting some other products to review and was told that "There is a lot of competition out there and I reviewed a product by one of their top competitors." I didn't know what to say at first but then I replied "I am so sorry, I didn't know." The president of this company is one of the nicest most pleasant people I think that I have ever spoken with. "He said I know but it was still posted." (Sorry, but how am I suppose to know who your top competitors are and why does it matter if YOU are the one getting raving reviews from me?) I was immediately upset that I had upset this company. I asked which company it was and he of course didn't name names. I knew better than to ask for more product so I just apologized and told him that I understood. He was in no way mean to me but I could tell that he wasn't happy about this situation. This is the first time that this has ever happened to me! If you are a company that is going to send products to me I want you to know that my blog is about three things. 1: training tips to keep you in shape and motivated. 2: Recipes to help keep you slim and trim. 3: New or existing health food products that are on the market. I try them and give you my honest opinion. I do not set out to try two of the same type of products and put two companies against each other. When I get something, I try it and then do my best to get a review up as soon as possible. I have a list of things that I am in the process of reviewing and it is really a first come first post situation. Once I post, I mark it off the list and move on to the next one. Heck, I think I remember doing a post back to back about Greek yogurt and both companies are huge. I have companies that contact me and that I contact. Sometimes I come home and boxes are just there. I don't even remember hearing from them. I just try the foods and or products, give my opinion, include facts and if I am hooked don it will post a recipe of some sort using it.
The thing that upsets me most is that the company said "We treat people who are good to us, good." "This is a competitive market out there and you reviewed one of our top competitors." I knew what that more of my favorite products...I have no problem buying from them and in fact the order will be placed later this week for myself. The thing that gets to me is that this is the ONLY company that I have felt so strongly about that I have hosted tastings and practically harassed both health food stores in my area to carry their products. I have gone above and beyond just a review and "giving them two thumbs up." I have tweeted, I have face booked, I have yelped and I have told just about anyone that I have talked to about nutrition about their site and products. I just want all of you to know, no malice was intended and I am going to review products the same way that I always have. I guess next time I will try to have a post between each other if they are the same type of products (like if I am reviewing jams, I will make sure that I don't post two reviews with two different companies back to back...) I am just a little confused because this company has a TON of amazing products. It is not like they just carry one type of product and one only. Anyway, my apologies. It doesn't change the way that I feel about the company, the president or the products. I still love them and I will continue to boast about them. You gotta know...
Anyway, just meditated about it and felt like I needed to address it. Moving on!
Breakfast this week has been all over the place! I went simple this morning. x2 I was hungrier than I thought this morning so I had to make it a double...Does that ever happen to you? Where you don't think that you are all that hungry and then you start eating and realize that you were actually starving? Well this morning...that was me. I ate one slice with 2 egg whites and and then I went back to the kitchen after 30 minutes of waiting to make sure it wasn't my brain but my bod that really wanted it. It did so I went back for more.
After a couple of hours and right before my workout this was consumed rather fast... Almond butter with my favorite kind of lady. I LOVE to sprinkle cinnamon on my pink ladies but I am all out. Did you guys know that I eat cinnamon like it is ranch dressing to most southerners? I know that sounds funny but there are a few people that I know around here that drench just about everything they eat in ranch dressing....I use cinnamon. I dont know why but I always put it on my apples, my smoothies, my yogurt, I mix it in my pb, my salads and my curries. Heck, that is just about all that I eat! If I eat something 9 times out of 10 there will either be cinnamon or siracha in the mix. I save you guys though from seeing the not so pleasing squirt of siracha all over my food, who wants to see that? Anyone else addicted to the stuff?
Lunch was not so sweet. I wanted crunch and I wanted it now. Yes, I am still eating raw veggies and homemade hummus for lunch. I almost wanted to lie and tell you that I ate some fantastic sandwich or wrap...Nope. I am a creature of habit. If it ain't broke, I'm not fixin it. After a good workout the thought of hot food makes me not want to eat at all. If you add egg whites to anything (I did the hummus) it become a protein bomb, in a good way of course.
Raw please. Thanks.
After a few more hours I went back for more naturally more almond butter and some carrots. I love this combo! I have to say, it is a way for me to get the sweet potato PB combo craving outta the way. I love that one as well. I didn't photograph it, it happens.
After I got home, let the pup out and changed for workout number two I looked in the freezer to see if I could find something to go with my planned salad (yes...salads for dinner...the norm.) I found these babies. I forgot all about them. I got a package in the mail from Quorn (they send me a box or two of new things for me to try and I am always happy when I open the box). I LOVE quorn products. They freakishly fill you up. No kidding. One patty=full for hours. I was glad that they sent me the "naked" ones...They are only 80 cals and have 11 grams of protein. I took the patty out of the box put it in the oven for 20 minutes at 350 and added it to this beauty. I married strawberries and goat cheese with balsamic vinegar and sliced almonds...They have a bright future this summer together I feel. After I sliced the quorn patty on top, I was set! It was so good.
Bedtime snack that I shouldn't be eating but could give a crap... Ok so frozen watermelon IS my favorite night time snack. I take a huge slice and then I blend it up with cinnamon and some nutmeg and then I sit it in the freezer for a hour, tonight I thought "why not add in some dark chocolate so that it looks like seeds!" I am a retard...or a genius, not sure.
Anyway, what a good day of eats eh? Well, I wish that I could say that it was above normal but I am really trying to cut back a bit. I gotta say...I kinda went a little over board on those pure raw food bars and paying for it now. For the next month it is going to be a strict diet for me. After all, shake it, don't break it, it took your mother 9 months to make it! HA!
I am going to enjoy every second of this weekend and you better be ready for a well rested Heather on Wed. I will be done house sitting after tomorrow and back in my own house and bed (god....cant wait!). I will have the winner of the Easy Lunch box winner then. Hope to hear from you!