Thursday, March 11, 2010

Going nuts for Coconut Water!

Did you know that coconut water has 15 times more potassium than that found in sport drinks? It's also naturally loaded with the five key electrolytes: potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, sodium and calcium. It's what you need to stay hydrated. On a diet? No sweat! Vita Coco is also fat and cholesterol free.
Sure, you may not be a marathon runner, a football player or Tour de France winner, but your every day life is hectic enough—you should be hydrated while you live it. Go ahead, get hydrated and remember that life is a sport! Here is a list of other things coconut water can do for you:
Helps keep the body cool and at the proper temperature.
Translation:Now when you get noticed it's not 'cause you're sweaty and gross.
Promotes weight loss.
Translation: You still have to cut back on the fried chicken and hit the treadmill, but we’re there for you to enhance your diet program.
Helps carry nutrients and oxygen to cells and boosts poor circulation.
Translation:See, everyone needs a boost from time to time.
Regulates the function of the intestine, helping promote smoother skin.
Translation: Doing something good for your insides can make you prettier outside! But you still need to wash your face properly, exfoliate and moisturize (don’t forget the SPF).
Helps replenish your body's fluids after exercising.
Translation:Your body needs plenty of fluids after the gym. Fluids free of barley and hops. Go figure.
Helps detoxify your body and boost your immune system.
Translation:Keeps your immune system tough. Grr. And, yells at viruses to back off. "Back off viruses!"
Helps ease stomach pains.
Translation:Calms your stomach, unlike your in-laws' chili cookoff.

Q & A With Michael Kirban
Vita Coco’s "Q&A with…" speaks with Michael Kirban, the co-founder of Vita Coco, and one half of the team responsible for creating the fresh coconut water category in the beverage aisle. Now, almost five years after a breakneck schedule putting Vita Coco onto grocery shelves, he answers a few questions.
Why do you think Vita Coco has been so popular?
MK: It’s an authentic brand that delivers what it promises. Consumers have connected to the simplicity and purity of the beverages, and have seen its efficacy as a hydrator. It all lends to strong word-of-mouth and brand loyalty.
Vita Coco is almost five years old. What’s next for the brand?
MK: We’re still focused on creating drinks in new flavors (we’ve got six, and counting) as well as exploring new food and consumer concepts that incorporate fresh coconut water. In the fall, you’ll be seeing the “beauty” of Vita Coco in a new product! I can’t say much more now.
What’s Vita Coco’s most popular flavor?
MK: Pineapple… still! It’s been our best-selling flavor since we created it. The Acai & Pomegranate flavor is becoming quite popular too, but nothing outsells our original, 100% Pure flavor.
What are the big trends today in beverages?
MK: Consumers want function, flavor and simplicity. This has been the ongoing trend since carbonated beverages peaked a few years ago and we’re still seeing it. Consumers want to know a beverage is good for them, and see the positive results of that goodness. Flavor is personal, of course. Simplicity has been one of the big secrets to Vita Coco’s success and the success of other beverages that have sold well: consumers want cleaner, better tasting beverages with fewer ingredients and additives.
You’re in so many stores now… are you exploring any other channels?
MK: We’re always looking to grow the brand, organically, and sell it or serve it where our consumers “live.” This could mean we sell it in a retail environment, in a restaurant, in a yoga studio or at a resort. We’re a cult brand and want to stay that way, and we always want people to “discover” I tried the coconut water with tangerine! Here is the nutritional info: 70 cals, 17 grams of carbs and a whopping 740 grams of Potassium!
Vitamin A 0%
Calcium 5%
Phosphorous 5%
Vitamin C 230%
Iron 0%
Magnesium 10
I was so happy to read the label on this product.
My initial thoughts on taste were, "this is sweet!" I mean really sweet! Vita Coco only uses green coconuts! Most people don’t realize there is an enormous difference between green coconuts and the brown coconuts we’re used to seeing at the grocery story, and in most pop culture imagery. Green coconuts have all the nutrition and healthful benefits. We harvest green coconuts in the north of Brazil, in a farm near Fortaleza. The average age of the coconut is about 7 months, the best age to extract sweet coconut water that is fat-free (before the coconut ages, turns brown and the water turns to hardened “meat” – fat city!). Vita Coco comes in a ton of flavors! I LOVED the pineapple flavor and look forward to the rest. I will be blogging more about each flavor as I go. It really is the most satisfying drink after a long run! It is SO hydrating and having something sweet but with no sugar added makes you feel like you are having a treat without sabotaging your diet.
I saw some other bloggers making these so I did it as well! Popsicles!!! know that you are itching for Spring/Summer when you want a Popsicle. When I get this cool craving usually I go buy some grapes and freeze them. Frozen grapes are like mini Popsicles to me and great instead of ice. Well, not anymore! I found my new love! Vitasicles!
PLEASE go to their site! You will love what you see...
All in all I absolutely loved this product. I did some digging and found that so many celebrities love this stuff too! Madonna drank the water almost every day after a sweaty show. She invested in the company because she loves it so much. know how I feel about Madonna. If a woman can look that good at her age, I will take her advice. I am sure at a concert she can shed some sweat and what better way to re hydrate than with Vita Coco! I have already found it at Kroger so it should be available to you at your local grocery store.
Let me know what flavor is your favorite!
Question time! I must say...Your gettin a bit personal! That is ok though just keep it nice and I will continue to answer! Here we go!
This question made me blush...Several times.
How many times have you truly been in love in your life? do you ever act spontaneously and have encounters with people?
4 times I have been in love and yes, I would be open to a spontaneous meeting of sorts.
What is it like to be a twin?
Awesome! I LOVE my sister and have no problem with people saying that we look alike, she's hot! We are completely different though. I mean COMPLETELY different. I think that is one reason why we get along so well!
Ever been sky driving?
Nope and I wouldnt! HA! I am afraid of heights and I just dont take risks like that. Heck, you are talkin to a girl that has never ridden a roller coaster!
Also check out one of my favorite bloggers give-a-way!
Ok, that was fun! See you tomorrow!