The end of the week is in sight! Man...this has been a SUPER busy one for me. Last night I did something that I needed so badly.
I tell you what, if it weren't for my lady friends I don't know what I would do. Last night we made some delicious drinks (Grey goose and fizzy grapefruit juice) and some fantastic finger foods (popcorn, cookies, Tempeh jerky, pizza and cookies). Because three out of the four of us work at the Co Op it sounds unhealthy but believe it or not most was organic and gluten free, sans the pizza.
The best part was the movie. Dirty Dancing. I totally forgot how good that movie is. I had a total flash back.
I like girls night in way better than girls night out. I have a lot more fun when I am at a house and can talk about whatever I want without feeling like I am being over herd. Being able to be as loud as you want is fun too! It was suppose to be a PJ party with food, drinks and a movie but no one showed up in their comfy clothes. Did that stop me??? NO WAY! I live in my Pj's at the house when I am off work and done with the gym. Last night I went to the gym for a short while, came home and showered and then got comfortable. I think the other girls wished that they wore theirs. After chatting and eating a bit we moved the food into Karen's room and watched Dirty Dancing. Sigh.... We were laughing and having so much fun going back in time when we first saw the movie. I must admit, I was very young when I saw it for the first time and it completely made me feel like I was watching something that I shouldn't be. That movie is way more racy than I remember it to be! It was fantastic and just what I needed after a very stressful week. I can always count on my girls. Thanks Karen for being the best and pulling it all together. All I had to do was show up! I am going to throw the next one for sure.
One thing that I noticed during the movie was how thin both dancers were. The blond if you remember was so tiny. At first I thought. Maybe she was just one of those lucky models that maybe had a high metabolism. Then I realized that for this movie I bet that they were dancing non-stop. Dancing burns a HUGE amount of calories and is the perfect exercise as far as cardio goes. I use to dance 5 days a week. I took an amazing salsa dance that was so much fun. When you do things like aerobic classes, yoga and dance the hour just flys by and you don't have to really think. I loved how I knew all that I had to do was just show up and the instructor would be taking over. That brings me to exercise. Exercise is needed I think during the holiday season more than ever. Not just to keep the pounds off while enjoying egg nog and pumpkin pies but to keep your stress level down. I find it harder to get myself to the gym once the time changes. When it gets dark (and the sun sets here at around 5:30) I feel like it is time to get into bed. I usually have to have a strategy during November-February to make sure that my exercise routine doesn't go by the waste side. What do I do? Well, I will tell you.
First thing that I do is try and get "bonus" exercise. What I mean by "bonus" exercise is when I can sneak in something that is not what I normally do I don't count that towards what I NEED to do for the day/week. Like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Sometimes if I am stressed at work I will walk up to the fourth floor and back. No one ever takes the stairs here so that gives me about 5 minutes to think, breathe deep and also get in a little exercise. If I do this more than once a day I feel much better and know that I got in a little activity instead of sitting here in front of the computer.
-Sometimes bust a move! That is right my friends! Have a little dance party at home. If I am cold and need to warm up I put on a cd and dance to three or four songs. You can do this while folding clothes, cleaning up or when you have nothing else to do. I dance all the time and it is even more fun when you do it with someone else (thanks K). After watching Dirty Dancing last night I remembered how much I love to dance. You better believe that I a dance party will be happening sooner than later at my house.
-Yoga, stretching is a great thing to do AFTER you exercise. You should never stretch before you warm up (stretching can be as hard on your muscles as much as lifting weights if you do so before you are nice and warm). I like to go home and get the mat out. Instead of just stretching for 5 minutes and call it quits. I like to put on a relaxing cd and get in at least 30 minutes of yoga.
-While you are watching t.v. get off the couch and do some leg lifts or sit-ups during the commercials. I know that you have herd this before but seriously, you can get in a good workout with the furniture in your living room or items lying around the house. I don't have cable and I don't watch t.v. so I don't utilize this too often but for those of you who watch television on a nightly basis this would be great for you.
-Something else that I do and I know that not everyone can do this is walk/jog to the gym. I live about 5 minutes driving distance to my gym and sometimes I walk or jog there. It is a great way for me to warm up before hand and a great way to cool down afterward. These small tips can really add up! The key though is don't think "Well, I walked to the gym so that is 15 minutes I don't have to get on the treadmill." Nope! This is bonus workouts so you really shouldn't subtract from your regular routine.
I hope that these tips help you during the holiday season. Every little bit helps ;)
Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! I am in need of a weekend more than ever! I hope to be able to relax a bit and might be on the way to see my mom. She is now at home and resting. Thanks again for e-mails, comments, thoughts and prayers. It really means a lot.
So get up and get some bonus workouts, you want to start the New Year right.
See ya!