Thursday, July 9, 2009

Proud owner but scared to death!!!

So this is my new car! I am so afraid that I made the wrong decision. I mean, you never know when you are buying a used car from someone. It could be a good thing or a bad thing. I think that this is a good thing. I know one thing. This car drives so much better than my car...So now on to the eats and then a REVIEW on something that completely blew me out of the water and I really mean that!
This morning I am taking advantage of a very special thing...
A fresh, ripe, perfect Georgia Peach! Picked just the other day. I am so happy that these peaches are in my life. During The July fourth weekend I probably ate about 10 of these. So juicy and good I couldn't ask for a better way to have my oats this morning. So without further ado! My cup of coffee and oats! I had the most perfect bowl of oats that I could ask for! It has peaches, unsweetened almond milk, wheat bran, chia and some cocoa nibs. WOW! This is a treat this morning. I decided that I needed to treat myself after the stressful haggling session that I had yesterday with the car. I am going for a nice long walk today with a co worker. I would rather get the cardio out of the way with someone than go at it alone. When I get home from work I plan to go back to the gym for some lifting this is going to be what I need. I am going to do chest and shoulders tonight. I know that is a weird combo but I am wanting to do those two muscle groups as my back is still a little sore from the other day. I am ready. After I get back from the walk I will be ready to dig into this! Simple salads are perfect for a hot day. This will hopefully be able to hold me over. I am thinking that some snacks will be needed such as these gems! I am in love I tell you and it will be the last of my bing cherries today. I will have to go and get me some more this weekend, I just love the ruby red plum fruit! This is what I will be eating today while at work. When I get home I will have this for dinner along with some un pictured strawberries (I always track 5 but end up eating about 8). Yet again...Egg plant with tofu and some added baby boc choy and some flax seeds sprinkled on top. I am loving this so far this week, usually by Thursday I am getting quite tired of my dinners but not this time! This is going to have to happen again! So there you have it I have the days eats and I am going to do my very best on sticking to it. I am doing well this week (especially after last weekend of beer drinking madness.) Karen's b-day is Saturday and I am going to plan to have a lovely salad and some red wine (Premier Organics) so hopefully will have some great pictures for you from the weekend by Monday or Tuesday. I am broke as a joke right now so I will try my best to not go out this weekend. I am going to be on a saving spree!!! Oh yes, I almost for got!!! A REVIEW IS HERE FOR YOU! But first let me give you a update on my cleanse (Colonix) I have to say and I am so sorry if this is TMI but I haven't gone to the bathroom (you know #2) in a few days...I mean, I thought that the whole point of this cleanse was suppose to "Cleanse" my system out. I am going to have to contact someone and see why this is happening and if it is normal. Truthfully I feel constipated. This morning I went to three pills and a full scoop of the intestine cleanse. I will be waiting to see if it makes a difference tomorrow. I am drinking plenty of water so I have no idea what is going on...We will see. Ok enough of all that. Lets get to business.

I contacted this company for some samples of their products because I have seen so many wonderful products that they have and herd that they are truly wonderful...Yesterday when I got home I got a package. When I opened the package I saw that I had gotten 1 jar of raw almond butter, one jar of raw cashew butter and a jar of Tahini. I freaked!!! I opened up the jar of raw cashew butter and I wont lie....I dipped my finger right in...WOW. I couldn't believe this. Now I will say this, I have tried cashew butter from another company and I didnt like it...It didnt taste at all like cashews. When I tasted this one though it was like getting a hand full of cashews and chewing them right up. You know what I like most about this butter??? There was only one ingredient. JUST ONE. CASHEWS. No oil, nothing. I smiled and kept eating it. Then I had to say to myself "Heather, you have almond butter and these cals will add up fast!" This beautiful l women is not me! She is the maker of this wonderful product and I can say this...she knows what she is doing... Next I opened the almond butter.This was DIVINE!!! I cant tell you how good this was...I am just hoping that all the explanation marks works!

I am going to be hooked on this stuff I fear for life! Finally I got this baby!I got something that I have never tried before. Tahiti (gasp, I know). I have yet to ever try this stuff but last night I watched about 5 youtube videos on all sorts of ways to make some pretty awesome stuff. This weekend I am going to be making a Tahiti dressing for my salads for K's B-day and will let you know all about it. I want to leave you with some info about the site straight from them.
Our Way
At Living Tree Community we believe that vibrant good health is a combination of many subtle elements including alive food, fasting, vigorous exercise, restful sleep, organic gardening, fulfilling creative activity and loving relationships based on appreciation and respect.
Alive Foods Our mentors include Professor Arnold Ehret. He was the first great teacher of alive nutrition in the United States. He came to California in the early 20’s. We will always recall our interview with Fred Hirsch in this regard. He told how Professor Ehret healed him from a serious illness. Fred noticed a tiny ad in the Classifieds in a Los Angeles paper. Professor Ehret was going to give a talk on nutrition. Fred attended the lecture and walked up to Professor Ehret afterwards and asked him if he could help him.
Ehret in turn asked Fred if he would be willing to undergo a fast. Fred agreed. He rented a room in a hotel and began a fast on water. Ehret visited him every day. It was a prolonged and rigorous ordeal. Fred emerged from it healed and renewed. He dedicated the rest of his life to publishing Ehret’s works in inexpensive editions, accessible to all (we recall how in the 70’s it was possible to go into a natural food store in southern California and buy a book by Ehret for a dollar or two).
Ehret’s Mucusless Healing System and his Rational Fasting are milestone’s in humankind’s search for health and healing.
Our other mentor has been Dr. Kirschner. Years ago we came across his classic Nature's Healing Grasses. Amidst the drear and conformity of the 50’s, he conceived of a wonderful way of healing by preparing “green drinks” in a blender.
He would take wild plants like purslane, malva and lambs quarters, put them in a blender with spring water and blend. He was getting excellent results, in treating people with serious illness. His book is still available on and we recommend it.
We follow a live food diet with at least one green drink each day. We also fast for a day each week, drinking only water. We break our fast on live, organic fruits and vegetables.
On one special day each week, the Sabbath, in addition to live food, we eat some cooked food, especially bread and wine.
This combination of green drinks and fasting works well for us.
Vigorous Exercise
Each morning we begin with stretches and engage in calisthenics. We recommend martial arts both for discipline and growth of spirit.
View a video of a capoeria game bewteen Mestre Marcelo Caveirinha and Mestre Espirro Mirim at the Cazadero camp in Santa Rosa in 2007.
Restful Sleep
It is rightly said that Americans are deprived of adequate sleep. We strongly recommend adequate rest, an essential to rejuvenation.
Creative and Productive Activity
We feel that every person has a basic need to engage in creative activity. Everyone needs work that is not only remunerative but is fulfilling. This is as much a need as for alive food. Soul satisfying work is a necessity.
Organic Gardening
We believe that everyone ought to have the privilege of garden plot. Even the smallest plot can be productive. So many brothers and sisters have developed intensive gardening into an art.There is so much literature available. If you live in an apartment there is usually a community garden nearby. Remember that a compost pile is a digestive organ of the garden. We invite you to give yourself the satisfaction of composting those carrot tops and banana peels. The resulting humus is fragrant and will give life to your garden and to you.
Loving Relations
As one follows a live food diet, after a while one’s spiritual sensitivity improves. One can anticipate a situation or event or someone’s attitude. When the phone rings is it a call of praise or a bill collector? As one’s spiritual sensitivity improves so does one’s opening to subtle vibrations of love. One becomes more discerning and quickly sees which relationship can be potentially enhancing or damaging. One feels more of a sense of unity with all living things and with everything that enhances life.
This is the Way we have evolved over decades. We would very much appreciate your comments and suggestions.
Jesse Schwartz, Ph.D.PresidentLiving Tree Community Foods
As you already can tell and if I haven't already made you want to go to the site this company gets a 11 from me!!!! I mean I am not sure if there is such a thing as a 11 review but I had to give them a higher number than anyone else simply because they WAT exceeded my expectations. Go straight to the site and BUY!!!
Thanks for reading!