Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Friday...

Good morning! Look at this sunflower that I got last weekend! I love sunflowers and they make me so very happy! This morning I feel GREAT! I woke up and went for a walk with no real pain and I really enjoyed every minute. I went to physical therapy and he told me that IF I got to the beach this weekend and do absolutely nothing I could be back into swimming and yoga by Wed of next week. EEEEK!!! You just dont know how happy that makes me. I am so ready to get back into the groove of things. I just want to be able to swim, do yoga and light weights. If I could do that I would be happy next month if I am good I may be able to run. Oh my! The thought of that makes me almost cry. I walk all the time and see people running down the street and I just glare at them, almost despising them. I don't like feeling that way toward anyone but it makes me jealous to see someone ge to do the things that I love to do. So I am taking gooooood care of myself this weekend and you better believe that I am going to be icing when I can and relaxing. I am going to do, I can do it! My co-worker this morning made fun of me when I said "Guess what! I am going to be able to exercise twice a day again in no time!!!" She was like "Gosh, Heather I am barely able to motivate myself to walk 30 minutes a day and you are like a kid in a candy store at the thought of doing some strenuous activity for a hour and a half." Yep, that is me! It is what I call CHEAP THERAPY. I need it. I sit all day at work and the thought of sitting at home and doing nothing kills me. I am going to really be in tune with my body from here on out and I am going to make a promise to myself when all this is done and just back off when my body says STOP! Ok so now on to my eats. It has been a little different this morning. I can tell that my mind is saying:your on vacation..." I have got to nip that in the bud real quick. Before going on the walk I had half of one of these and some raw cashews. Of course I also had some chocolate amazing grass powder in water to get me started as well! This was just what I needed to get through the 40 minute walk (man I was trucken along this morning!) and then off to physical therapy. When I got to the office I had to have a big ol cup of joe and then about a hour later I was hungry again, can you believe that??? I can! I had half of a egg white salad. I piled those egg whites high too :P

This was the last piece of Meadow's Bakery Daily Bread and oh will I miss it! I am however going to be getting some organic breads from rudis bakery! I am on a whole grain bread kick, something I thought I would never say. It hasn't really effected my weight and instead of oats I am going with toast. That is the only real bread product that I eat though all day long. Sometimes if you let yourself have something you wont crave it so badly. I am sure after a while I will be back on the oats kick! So today I will not be taking a lunch (good thing I got the walk in!) and will be eating at my desk (as usual) I am going to be having this baby for lunch. I loved taking this picture before packing it up to take with me. I used Lightlife Lemon pepper chicken strips (3) and piled it high with spring mix and Romain. Can you say AWESOME, no dressing required!I love salads in the summer and a lady from work brought me some fresh tomato and cucumbers! I am so excited to have a real garden salad! I might have a bell pepper added to it with a spoonful of hummus but I doubt that I will need it. After lunch I will have a little bit of this beauty! Ahhhhh, how I am loving fruit this summer. I seriously dont remember when fruit tasted this good, I hope to have some good fruit this weekend and to tell you the truth if the weather is as hot as I am thinking those amazing grass bars (chilled of course) and fresh fruit may be all I eat. I doubt it though. My uncle has already told us that he bought 50 packs of ribs and we will be grilling chicken, hot dogs and hamburgers! I am going to try my best to be as good as possible but I have to remember that the doctor did order me to have a good time and RELAX. So ok, you dont have to twist my arm. On the drive home I will have a Kombucha from:I really like the Ginger flavor that they were kind enough to re-send me! It is sooo good! Hey I will drink anything that will put me in a good mood and this stuff does the trick. I plan on having a salad of some sort tonight at my mom's house. I don't want to drink anything tonight as I know that I will be drinking tomorrow and Saturday. I need to save the cals! So you may be asking yourself. "Will I be packing and taking my own food even though I already know what will be there?" Heck yeah I will. I am that freak and I am proud to say. What will be coming home with me so that my family will talk behind my back and say things like "Heather cant eat like the rest of us, she is weird!" Well I will tell you. I ALWAYS (well for the last two years anyway) bring my own food no matter where I go. If I am on a plane, car or train, I am prepared! I will be taking with me:

-Fit nutz peanut butter

-Hemp bagel

-Dr. Kracker sunflower crackers


-Acia powder

-Amazing grass bars

-Pure raw food bars

-Macadamia nut butter

-Chia seeds

-raw cashews


-amazing grass powder

Ok so I am only going to be gone Fri-Sun but I like to be prepared and when you eat 6 small meals a day it can all add up! I am sure I will be taking somethings home with me but you never know when someone may say "can I try one?" I always share (unless it is a amazing grass product and then it is ALL mine baby!).'

I am sure some of this will be consumed Saturday too!

Shhhh! Don't tell : o

I get the Colonix today at some point (finger crossed I get it before I leave) and will be starting it tomorrow morning! I am so happy to get this junk out of my system. I have been reading and re-reading their site and I already know that I want to do the full three months. They are nice enough to send me the other two months once I see how it goes. I thank you for that! So my friends. I will be back on Monday, I will be missing you all and will have fun things to tell you all about. You know that I will be taking some pictures and sharing them with you. I hope you all have a blast for the 4th of July! Be careful....