Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy Hump Day

This morning I must say I am hung over...I didnt feel like I drank too much last night, but I did aparently. I have almost no tolerance anymore for alcohol. I swear I canhave one drink these days and get really drunk. I am thinking that the high raw diet that I am on is the culprit, I would like to think that it is because I am a small person...

So an update on the date. Last night I met my friends Chris and Myung and they brought a friend of theirs along to hang out. His name was Mark and he lives in Colorado. He is a artist and is traveling right now all over. He is on his way to England for 10 days and then down to the Keys for a month.

Why they thought that I would go for someone that lives that far away, beats me. Anyway, I got home freshened up and started walking. I walked from my house to Flicker (local bar). When I got there I was so hot...I ordered a vodka and soda and sat down. In they came. I shook his hand and we all started talking. I really liked him right off the bat. He was super nice and easy going. I had two drinks at the Flicker bar and then we decided that dinner was needed. So off we went. Myung chose Farm 255. This is one of my favorite restaurant's but never get to eat here because my friends are cheap! I am too :p

We sat outside where this really great jazz band was playing. I ordered a pomegranate martini and was set. The atmosphere was perfect. The weather was perfect and I was in my element. Good food, good conversation and good drinks! I had this for dinner.

Veggie plate: Full Moon lettuces, Moroccan sweet potatoes, marinated rainbow carrots, grilled napa cabbage & romesco, roasted beets. It was amazing. I was picky and asked for no salt and no oil. It was basically a raw dinner plate. Everyone else had the hamburger and fries. I was happy with my option but I do have to say that if I would have chosen something a little more hearty I would be in better shape this morning I feel. After we hing out there for dinner and drinks Chris decided that we should go to the Go bar and have another drink. I was totally done by this point and said that I would walk there since it was on my way back home and had to walk anyway but that I would not be partaking in anymore drinks! Oh by the way, it was a real date because he actually paid for my drinks and dinner. How very nice!

After going to the Go bar Mark walked me home and was talked for a long time. He ended up going back to Myung's house and crashed. I passed out as soon as he left and didn't wake up until this morning. When I got to work I had a e-mail from Myung and she said that he asked for my number and said that he thought I was really cool. That made me happy but honestly there is nothing that is going to come of this. I mean he lives in Colorado for gods sake. All in all I think that this "date" was what I needed. I needed to feel like someone liked me and I am not ready for a relationship at all right now so him being so far away is perfect. I am feeling much better now that I have some coffee in me.

On to my creamy oats this morning!

I needed something hearty this morning so I crammed all these ingredients into a bowl and went for it. Organic oats, Chia, wheat bran, almond butter, blueberries and strawberries, yum! It was just what I needed. My stomach is thanking me now! This afternoon for lunch will be a simple spinach salad. This is going to be so good after working out today. I called my doctor and have scheduled a MRI for my back Friday morning. I am not really looking forward to it but at least I will know what is going on. My back is feeling a lot better than yesterday. My knee though has the tingles. How annoying. for my snack...

Dinner involved Tofu, as you more than likely could guess. I also am having some beets and a small salad. This is going to be Delicious!

Now this is the type of color I like to see on my plate! This is going to give me the energy that I am going to need for my evening work out. I plan to go home, go for a walk and then relax for the rest of the evening. I have no plans tonight and boy am I happy! I need to have some Heather time. I am thinking about watching the Sex in the City movie again before I have to return it tomorrow. So there you have it. My day in a nut shell. Wish me luck with the MRI on Friday my doctor says that if it is a herniated disk that I will have to have surgery. That would be the worst case scenario. I wouldn't know what to do. With Beth going away for 6 weeks and Karen on location I would be in a pickle. With no one to help me out if I was bed ridden. I am just not going to think about it at all. The thing that keeps my spirits up is trying new product and reviewing them. Look out because I have some awesome products like: You Bars and Shakes, Pure Bars,Noni juice, Fit Nut Butter, Kay's Naturals protein pretzels and cereal, Jim's organic coffee and more coming my way. The reviews will be coming as soon as I get to try them. This is going to be a good weekend!
If you want to enter a sweet give-a-way check out this great blog (one of my favs!)