Peter!!! You are the winner of the box of Amazing Grass bars! I am so happy for you and also so happy that I have a guy reading! Thanks so much for your e-mails and comments! You are going to love love love these bars! I am telling you, you will be thanking me later. I have yet to get the bars however, they are on their way. If you will e-mail me your contact information I will get your address and send them your way. Hope to hear from you soon! The people at Amazing Grass truly are amazing and I am shouting about their products from the roof tops! I swear I bet I have called and talked with about 50 people about how much I love their bars and powders. You will be too ;)
So, this morning I did it again! I woke up at 7:00 a.m. and went for a walk. Last night I iced my knee and back all night but for got to take some Glutamine (if you don't know about this stuff take it! it helps so much!). Anyway, on my walk this morning my back felt fine but knee didn't and that is from yoga stretches I believe. I am going to live though. If I can just get this knee in okay shape I am going to do everything that I can to keep myself in good health. I think that my back is healing and I am not going to lift anymore weights unless seated and LOW weights at that. I am going to not do very much this weekend. I am ready to heal and get on with it!!! Ok enough ranting about feeling like a broken old lady! I have some great news!!! I MAY and I mean MAY be doing a cleanse! I contacted Blue Print and they e-mailed me back but didn't actually say if they were going to be sending me a cleanse to do. I really want to do a cleanse because I feel if I am fasting it will allow my body to focus on healing. We will see. I also got a reply from The Nanotechnology Store and they may be sending me some patches. I hope that I get to pick out a few because I am so interested in their products as well. I will wait to hear from them sometime today.
Lets get on with my eats shall we. Today is going to be a bit off. I am so thankful for a package that came in the mail yesterday because it is going to be my lunch today since I messed up and only bought enough food through Thursday. How did I do that? I will get to what that is in just a moment. I am going to go ahead and review the product because I snuck one of them in last night and half of one this morning before my walk and will have another around lunch so I feel like I know if I like them or not. Plus you will be seeing a lot more of them almost everyday I feel because I have some left! So what is for breakfast #1?
Fitnutz peanut butter and a chopped banana. I love this stuff just as much as I love PB2. I am almost out though :(
This is a great way for me to start my morning. It is cool and gives me some energy. I do have to say though that in about an hour I will be ready for breakfast #2.
Chia and wheat bran with three frozen raspberries! Yum. Yet another cool treat for a hot summer morning. This I love. This what I will be eating right before my walk for lunch. I have no idea how long that I will be walking today at lunch but even if it is 30 minutes I am okay with that. I just need something, anything!
I got a variety box of Pure Bars in the mail yesterday and just in time! I needed something to take for lunch today! So today will be a ChocChip Trail Mix bar and a super ripe Georgia peach. I cant wait! Now I am going be to able to review this product because I have already tried out two of them and I already know that I love these bars. They are raw, organic and vegan. Can it get any better? Nope! I tried last night the Apple one and this morning (just 1/2 before my walk) the blueberry one. I LOVED the flavor and sweetness (not too sweet!) of these bars. I really felt like they did their jobs. Above you can see what the bar actually looks like out of the package. I got a box of these flavors!
The art on the package just makes me smile. I don't know why but when I saw the smiling lady on the front I thought, this is food I can feel good about eating! I do!
This not the last time that you will be seeing these bars. Each time I have another flavor I will be writing about it. I give Pure Bars a 10! Go to their site and check them out for yourself.
The art on the package just makes me smile. I don't know why but when I saw the smiling lady on the front I thought, this is food I can feel good about eating! I do!
This not the last time that you will be seeing these bars. Each time I have another flavor I will be writing about it. I give Pure Bars a 10! Go to their site and check them out for yourself.
Here is some info from the site about their bars! Enjoy!
In an effort to create delicious food packed with essential nutrients, we started experimenting in the kitchen. Our requirements were pretty stiff. We would only use organic and real ingredients. No unhealthy herbicides and pesticides allowed and no genetically modified foods! Omega III fats, important for brain development, were a must. We needed a decent amount of protein and fiber, and absolutely no refined sugar or artificial stuff! Only raw ingredients would be used to provide maximum enzyme and nutrient content, and we chose foods high in antioxidants to promote cell growth and repair. Whew! We were out to create a super food…oh, and it had to taste great or we knew we'd never touch it!
The Organic PURE bar was born after hundreds of hours in the kitchen. The bars became so popular we couldn't make them fast enough. We wanted every adult and child to have access to the PURE bar-so delicious and so good for you! It is fulfilling a dream to be able to share the PURE bar with so many people. Join us in spreading the word about the Organic Pure bar, and try for yourself this deliciously sweet super food!
By the way check out this blog!!! Veronica’s blog at
she has some great bloggings!
So there you have it folks! A great product with a great story!
After my "lunch" I am going to have some fluffy egg whites for added protein and then call it a day at work.
Simple but hey, when you need some protein you need some protein. I love egg whites because they are low calorie and all protein. I just grab the carton pour some in a bowl and BAM I have a protein snack!
After work today I am going to meet up with a friend for Oysters! Yes, I am a raw lover. I love ceviche and I LOVE raw oysters. Right now at this great restaurant from 5-7 they have buy one get one free. So no doubt I will be eating about a dozen and a half of raw oysters. I cant wait.
I am using the picture from last time I went because I am getting the same thing this time. Also I will be having two of these!
Vodka and soda with some added fruit. This is what a Friday needs after a long week. I am only going to be drinking tonight and Sunday ( I have a wedding to go to and there will be drinks there so I will be partaking in that!). So tonight I will have dinner, a couple drinks and good conversation. Then more than likely I will go home to relax. I am not feeling the downtown scene tonight I feel like just laying around reading or watching a movie. Yep, that will be me! What are you up to this weekend? Anything interesting? Thanks so much to everyone that participated in the give-a-way. I will be doing another next week so keep your eyes pealed !I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Until Monday....