Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Long time no see!

Good Morning All!

I am so sorry that I have been M.I.A. but I do have good reasons as to why!

I started a new job, I had to get in some MUCH needed family/alone time and I needed a breather from blogging. I am now back (I promise) and going to go full force! I really want to keep up with some amazing reviews of products out there and for the next few months I would like to focus on running, health and nutrition. I am gearing up for the Athens Half Marathon. Yes, you read right. My butt will be running a half marathon Oct 23rd. I want to blog about my experiences, product use and training along the way. I hope that you join me for what I am hoping to be one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I have started a running group and meeting a TON of folks that love running. I like to call this, cheap therapy! Please join me on this journey and I promise, I will not let you down. I hope to post every other day, if not every day! Get ready folks, this is going to be a sweat filled summer!

Thanks for stickin with me!
