1. Cook a big batch of food on Sunday, such as veggies and pasta, or chicken and brown rice, and freeze portions to take to work with you for lunch. Added bonus: you'll save the money you'd normally spend on all those visits to the salad bar.
2. Don't skip breakfast! Breakfast kick starts your metabolism, and it's also healthier to eat larger meals earlier in the day because you'll burn them off when you're running around the office (or madly typing away at your computer). If you don't have time before work, bring low-fat greek yogurt and a banana or peice of fruit to eat first thing.
3. Stock your desk area with healthy snacks, so an apple or some raisins are always within reach. What kinds of things should you bring to work for snacking? Find the healthiest versions of the snacks you love, and bring them to work. Try air-popped popcorn, low-sugar or juice-sweetened cookies and granola bars, and baked wheat crackers. Go an extra step and buy organic items - these usually have less artificial or unhealthy ingredients - and always read the label to make sure there are no hydrogenated oils.
4. Consider your weaknesses. Think about the biggest challenges for you, healthy eating-wise (no refrigerator at work, picky eater, chocolate-lover, etc.) and use them to your advantage. For example, bring foods to work such as apples and bananas, that don't need refrigeration, or plan out healthy meals that you'll actually like. And try dark chocolate - recent studies show it may lower blood pressure.
5. Try one new fruit or vegetable per week. Ever tried bok choy? What about papaya? There are plenty of new fruits and vegetables out there for you to try - stock up at your local farmers market (buying local is also very environmentally conscious) or visit an ethnic market.
6. Don't completely cut out carbohydrates and fat. Healthy fats, such as those found in nuts (also useful for snacking), and whole grains give you the energy you need to get through the day.
7. Keep portion size in mind. If you visit the deli at lunchtime, buy half of a sandwich, or split something with a friend. Alternatively, try bringing frozen veggies to work, and mixing them together to split with co-workers.
8. Hosting a meeting? Bring some healthy snacks, instead of the usual donuts and pastries. Provide fruits and/or veggies and hummus, cheese and wheat crackers.
9. Always keep a supply of water handy. Most offices have water coolers, so bring a large glass or thermos, or keep a water bottle nearby that you can refill. No water cooler? Stash a few reusable water containers in your bag before work.
10. Take a lunch break. No matter how busy you are, it's both physically and mentally healthier to take a few moments and read, sit outside, or chat with a friend, while enjoying a healthy meal. You'll be re-energized once you return to your desk.
I hope this helps! I am having to post this to remind myself really. I have to say, it's COOOOOOOOOLD and I am getting less motivaded to MOVE! If you pair lack of exercise and poor eating you get weight gain, big time. Lets try to stick to a plan if at all possible and end the year right! The holiday season is almost over and I am determined to have a short resoulution list. Loosing weight not being one of them! See you all soon! I have some pretty cool things to tell you about very soon and I promise to be back full force as soon as the Christmas holidays go by. Man..it's almost here!!! I cant believe just how fast it came.