When people get serious about their diets, they tend to start monitoring their weight and how they look in the mirror just as seriously. Each morning begins with getting on the scale, looking down between your feet and watching to see how the numbers have changed. Some people even track their body fat percentages on scales that measure that by passing a pulse through your body, telling you your body composition. But such meticulous monitoring can lead to despair if, despite following your diet and exercise regimen religiously, you don't get the results you want. Are you failing to lose weight, or is something else at fault?
First off, lets be honest. Its very possible that you simply have your diet set wrong. If you are putting in more calories than you are burning, then you will not lose weight. You need to be sure that you are on a caloric deficit so as to lose weight; if after a month or two you are simply not doing so, then perhaps you have to go back to basics and examine your equations, make sure that you are indeed running at a deficit.
However, lets assume that you've got your diet down right. You're running a deficit, you're exercising a bunch, and still you aren't losing weight. Or youre losing only a little. Whats going on? The culprit can be water retention. Some people have no problem with this, and will lose weight gradually and predictably without any problem. Others, however, will retain water of varying amounts, so that even though they are losing fat, they are not losing weight.
This will vary amongst people. Some people will retain water like mad, especially if they are trying an extreme diet with an extreme workout program. Additionally, women have to deal with the shift in water in their systems due to their monthly menstrual cycle; some women may retain little to no water, while others may retain an extra 5-10lbs. Given that women lose fat slower than men, this can make a woman feel a sense of hopelessness when trying to lose weight she could be doing everything right, and still retain water, and it might take a month or more for her to notice the effects of her correct diet.
What often happens is that people who retain water will notice no change for an extended period of time, and then suddenly lose like 5lbs overnight, and look noticeably different the next morning. This can happen regularly, or once every couple of months; it makes it impossibly hard to tell if you are losing weight properly and just retaining water, or if your diet is simply not working.
The solution to this dilemma is to find a better metric to measure that simple weight. Body fat percentage can be tricky too if you're using those hydrostatic scales, since they gauge your percentage by water, and thus can be thrown off by water retention. One of the best ways to tell is to watch your performance in the gym, to make sure your strength isn't is decreasing, to monitor your energy levels and to measure. Those are a much better gauge of your success. Just be aware that water retention can skew your results, and adjust accordingly! I would like to give a big shout out to the ones that have lost inches this month! I am sooooo proud of you and I have to say, I was so surprised to see some of the numbers. You ladies rock my world and really show me how it's done! Keep it up! Below is a list of foods that will help you shed that water weight that is making you feel fat, when your not.
Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and provide the body with hydration. Mayo Clinic nutritionist, Katherine Zeratsky, suggests a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as a helpful tool toward reducing water retention, because they can provide a natural diuretic effect. Fruits and vegetables can increase the body's fluid-flushing capabilities and increase urination. Fruits and vegetables highest in water content, such as fresh watermelon, onion, celery, tomatoes, lemons and cucumbers, generally prove most helpful in reducing water retention. Frozen and canned fruits and vegetables might provide similar effects, though fresh varieties are ideal.
Omega-6 Fatty Acids
Omega-6 fatty acids are fats that body requires but cannot produce on its own. They must be acquired through food. Omega-6 fats support brain function, hair growth, skin health and promote a person's overall physical growth and development. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, omgea-6 fats might also help reduce bodily swelling and bloating associated with PMS. Valuable sources of omega-6 fats include safflower oil, soybean oil, turkey, peanut oil, pork, margarine and shortening. But because margarine and shortening also contain trans fats, which can increase the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease, plant-based oils and turkey are recommended.
Potassium-Rich Foods
Potassium is an important mineral and electrolyte, or salt that produces an electrical charge. According to the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University, potassium deficiency can cause bloating. Dehydration, excessive exercise, vomiting, diarrhea and metabolic disorders can cause potassium deficiency. To promote potassium levels and prevent resultant bloating, foods rich in potassium are recommended. These include baked potatoes, prune juice, lima beans plums, bananas, raisins, acorn squash, tomato juice, raisin bran and almonds.
Low-Sodium Soups
Low-salt soups, such as broth-based vegetable, chicken or whole grain-noodle soups, provide the body with hydration. Though it might seem counter-intuitive, increasing fluid intake is a helpful step toward reducing water retention. Because canned soups tend to contain high amounts of sodium, homemade soups or canned, broth-based soups specifically labeled "low sodium" or "reduced sodium" are recommended for best results.
I hope that you found this interesting and just know, we all go through this period and we all have our days where we feel fat and bloated. Dont fret! You can get even water retention under control.