It's Friday!!!
If you are like the "typical" American worker you get up everyday at 7:30 in the morning, stumble your way through the laundry pile, over the kid's toys and around the pile of bills on the table to get to the coffee pot. After you stand there in a sleepy haze while waiting for the coffee to percolate, you then proceed to consume your usual two cups of coffee, which you need just to stay awake and make it through your day. This is the morning routine of the average person working the Monday through Friday nine to five shift. While everyone needs a job, this type of toiling away is extremely monotonous and leads to the FRIDAY ITCH. The Friday itch is when you spend the entire work week wishing it was Friday so that you would have the entire weekend without having to go to work. Those two days are the highlight of your week. Besides the obvious have you ever wondered why everyone loves Fridays so much? Here are some of the little known reasons as to why people love Fridays.
Even if you absolutely love your job, you probably still look forward to the weekend. It is not because you cannot wait to leave your job but because everyone needs a break every now and then. It is nice not to have to get up early sometimes. The weekend gives you a chance to relax and rejuvenate for the workweek to come. It also gives you time to spend with your family or do those errands you were unable to do because you are too busy during the week. Now if you really do hate your job, then the weekend is a chance to get away from what you hate. You then spend the entire weekend wishing it was not going away so quickly.
Another reason people love Fridays is because it is a closing day. Friday signals the end of the typical workweek so everything that happened in that week stays in that week. Say you had a customer that was just really rude to you and made you hate your job and feel bad about yourself. After that week is over you get to forget about it and start clean. This is in direct relation to another reason people love Fridays: Mondays. I know people generally hate Mondays because it is the beginning of the workweek and it means that you have five days until the next weekend but when you think about it Mondays are the beginning of a new week. It is a chance to wipe the slate clean and to set new goals for you to accomplish and new things to learn. Mondays are a brand new chance to do things you did not do the previous week.
Fridays are just a day that allows people to unwind after a long week at work. You do not have to get up early the next day, you do not have to deal with difficult work situations, and at the end of the day you do not have to come back to work for two whole days.

Even if you absolutely love your job, you probably still look forward to the weekend. It is not because you cannot wait to leave your job but because everyone needs a break every now and then. It is nice not to have to get up early sometimes. The weekend gives you a chance to relax and rejuvenate for the workweek to come. It also gives you time to spend with your family or do those errands you were unable to do because you are too busy during the week. Now if you really do hate your job, then the weekend is a chance to get away from what you hate. You then spend the entire weekend wishing it was not going away so quickly.
Another reason people love Fridays is because it is a closing day. Friday signals the end of the typical workweek so everything that happened in that week stays in that week. Say you had a customer that was just really rude to you and made you hate your job and feel bad about yourself. After that week is over you get to forget about it and start clean. This is in direct relation to another reason people love Fridays: Mondays. I know people generally hate Mondays because it is the beginning of the workweek and it means that you have five days until the next weekend but when you think about it Mondays are the beginning of a new week. It is a chance to wipe the slate clean and to set new goals for you to accomplish and new things to learn. Mondays are a brand new chance to do things you did not do the previous week.
Fridays are just a day that allows people to unwind after a long week at work. You do not have to get up early the next day, you do not have to deal with difficult work situations, and at the end of the day you do not have to come back to work for two whole days.

This is why I like Fridays (other than the reasons above)! Fridays allow for more casual dress while at work. This is very interesting to me that most dress down on Fridays naturally. I however usually dress up on Fridays. I noticed this about a year ago when I would get comments "Heather, why are you so dressed up, you should be wearing loafers and slacks with a sleeveless top or something." I didn't realize then that it was a trend that I had started. I became aware that Friday's I always dressed up more! I then asked myself "Why is this?" Well, my answer is this. I feel my best on Friday's (as far as work goes). I think that subconsciously I know that it is the end of the week and so happy that it shows through my clothes. When I feel good, I look good. I have been doing this unintentionally now for years. This goes without saying that I always try to look my best (some may disagree but you can stick it!) but Friday's are usually my best of the best shall we say. I like it and take this opportunity to do so also because I think that it is a great strategic way to stand out and be noticed! Yes, you heard right. I realize now that this was thought about and now understand that I may just have been doing this for a reason... Hmmmmm, interesting right? I say, if you work in a place that allows you to "dress down" (I work at a bank so dressing down is still very conservative) dress it up! You will bring attention to yourself and make people take notice. Friday's are usually meeting days here and so I take the opportunity to really show my efforts through my clothing, hair and make-up. There is nothing better than on a casual Friday to walk into a meeting with important people and stand out. Clients will take notice of you and will steer towards you, co-workers will strike up conversations which can allow you to build a stringer relationship and managers will take note. I say, when everyone is doing something, do the opposite. I know that this is a little thought out but this is the business minded person I am.
Next time you have the opportunity to dress down....maybe you should dress up! Here's the "up" version of my Friday!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and I will see you with more news and reviews on Monday!