I have been thinking about something lately....Sunscreen...

What kind do you like? I have been looking at all natural sunscreens and I cant decide. Here are the "top ten" that I found...
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), four out of five sunscreens do not provide adequate protection from the sun. Many of these sunscreens contain toxic chemicals which are absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream. Here are the top 10 natural sunscreens according to the EWG:
1. Soléo Organics All Natural Sunscreen
2. Badger Sunscreen for Face and Body
3. Sanre Organic Skinfood Supple Sunshine, SPF 30
4. Keys Soap Solar Rx Cosmetic Moisturizing Sunblock, SPF 30
5. Marie-Véronique Organics Crème Du Jour
6. California Baby Sunscreen Lotion No Fragrance, SPF 30+
7. Devita Solar Protective Moisturizer
8. UV Natural Sunscreen
9. True Kid "Sunny Days" Natural Mineral Sunscreen Stick
10. Tropical Sands Sunscreen Lotion
Let me know if you have tried any of these...

The question is often asked: "Why wear sunscreen... does it really work?"
Experts agree that sunscreen is effective... yet it's not foolproof.
Who recommends sunscreen?
Several studies by health leaders in the United States lend credence to the importance of sunscreen. The following organizations declare sunscreen a necessary tool in the prevention of skin cancer:
American Academy of Dermatology
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Cancer Society
American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
US Department of Heath and Human ServicesYour first action should be to avoid the sun as much as possible. Experts agree that sunscreen is the next best defense against skin cancer.
Excessive sun exposure is thought to be the primary cause of skin cancer. Sunbathing and tanning appears to be responsible for the rise in skin cancer rates.
Skin cancer in the US is an unrecognized epidemic--American Academy of Dermatology
The Mayo clinic reports that fully one-half of all new cancers are skin cancer. Increasing at the rate of 6% per year, one million new cases occur annually. And skin cancer is occurring at a much younger age than ever before.
A little vanity
Would you like to ward off premature aging... a.k.a. wrinkles? Experts claim that 90% of deteriorating skin changes are due to sun damage, not old age.
Then there are the nasty, rough bumps known as solar keratosis... not attractive!
Sunscreen goes a long way in preventing such damage. Need another reason?
Consider your health...Healthy skin, healthy body
Some claim a tan is healthy. Why wear sunscreen if this is true? But experts state there is no safe level of tanning. Small doses of unprotected sunshine - 15 minutes at a time, a few days a week - is a good source of vitamin D. A suntan, however, indicates that the skin has been damaged.
Excessive sun exposure may also suppress your immune system. This in turn can interfere with your body's natural ability to ward off infection and disease.
Who needs sun protection?
Everyone! Yes, some individuals are more susceptible to skin cancer, such as those with ...
Fair skin
Blue eyes
Skin that freckles or burns easily. These people need to be extra vigilant. But catching too many rays will harm even those with dark skin.
False sense of security
The downside of using sunscreen is the belief that you can spend extra time in the sun as long as you slather it on. Sunscreen does not provide 100% protection, however. Use sunscreen as a tool that allows you to spend time outside enjoying life. Just don't spend too much time in the sun.
Sunscreen is but one piece of the protection puzzle. For the best plan of action, follow these guidelines:
Schedule outdoor activities for early morning or late afternoon. The sun's rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Hang out in the shade. Sip a cool one under an umbrella, canopy, or tree. Be aware, however, shade does not offer complete protection.
Wear clothing that shields your body. A hat with a wide brim guards face, ears, neck and eyes. Add a long-sleeved shirt and pants for complete protection. Choose a tight weave and a loose fitting style.
Don't forget those cool shades! Choose sunglasses that provide 99-100% UVA and UVB protection (as stated on the label).
Bottom line ...
Why wear sunscreen?
Protection from the sun is the single most effective means to maintaining young looking, healthy skin.

Just remember....what you do (or dont do) will catch up to you! Put on yer sunscreen!
See you Monday, go enjoy yourself!