Good morning! This is a different post than usual! I am just wanting to connect with you and let you know why the posts are a little Spiratic these days...I can tell you one thing, I am so ready for this darn week to be over! I gotta say. This week (and next week) has been/will be hectic. I am house sitting and so basically I am running back and forth from house to house. It is a pain, but I am glad that it came up! I have a huge garden to tend to and this is making me a little nervous but a great challenge...
The women that I am house sitting for is not only particular but VERY "green". I pride myself on being super aware of what I use as far as water, electric, cleaning products and household items but she goes above anyone I have ever met. When watering the plants I use the rain barrels that are on either side of the house...There are three different composts in the yard and that is only the beginning. When I entered the house I got a 6 page detailed pack of just about anything and everything that you would need to know. I got "hooked up" with this job from a friend and she told this women about how great of house sitter/pet sitter I am...When I was asked to house sit and take care of her kitty and dog I was all about it....Now, it's another story...The women is a writer (currently in Cuba) and so she is home all day everyday. She wants me to spend the night at the house and come by three times a day. I walk the dog 3 miles (I mapped it, naturally) and make sure that the kitty gets hairball treatment, love and care. Between keeping her fur babies happy, the house kept to par and my own busy life...I am running non-stop. I find that my schedule is looking like this and will be for the next TWO weeks. Yes, TWO weeks of this.

7:00 am-Let pup out, yawn and get ready for work
7:30-feed both fur balls, continue to get my butt in gear
7:45- Let the dog out for one last chance to go and hope in the car
8:00 am-Open the business I work for, get my COFFEE and start the day
12:30-gym time or walk time (lately I have been walking from my work to the house that I sit for, get the dog and walk her, take her back and walk back to work. This comes to 3.5 miles there and back. The pup gets about 1/2 mile of walking time.
4:45- Back at the house, walk the put 3 miles and feed both.
6:30-shower, eat and relax for a little while.
10:00 pm-back at the house, let the pup out, give a treat or two and get ready for bed. I try to be in bed by 11:30. Then I wake up and do it all over again! Ahhhh! I have no problem with doing this really it is just that I am not getting any real rest time (unless you count the hours that I am sitting at my desk working). The one thing that I am not looking forward to is the weekend and getting up at the crack of dawn to let them out. I told the women that I would be happy to stay there during the week but that my weekends are MINE! I want to have some time at my place too. The thing that I didn't factor in was that I would have to get in the car and drive over there at 8:00 in the morning. I am thinking now that I just may stay over there. It is just hard when you don't have your food and or coffee to start the day. No worries, been there, done that! I can handle it for two weeks. No problem. Don't think that I am complaining! I am not, it actually makes me feel good that people pass my name to others when they need someone to care for there place and pets. It makes me know that I am trusted! After all...I am a pet lover and when you go out of town there is nothing worse then worrying about whether or not your fur babies are ok. That is why I do these things! I thought that it would be useful for some of you to know a few little tricks to do to make your home/pet owner happy and ask you to house$it again. These are a few things that I always do (because I am a freak of course) to put them at ease and it always is appreciated. Don't worry...I do have some FOOD to show you but you have to wait til the end!
One thing that I always try to do is send a picture...A picture??!?? Yep. It takes just a second but I can tell you that when the owner gets it it will automatically make them love you.
*If they have a phone that allows to receive pictures I just snap a pic every day or so and send one their way...Actually showing that their pets are taken care of and happy. Since this lady is out of the country I just snapped a photo and e-mailed it to her with a short message saying "everything is A-Ok!" This will be sure to A:make the person know that I am a awesome person and B:feel much better about leaving their pets at home and allow them to relax and have a great time where ever they are. I know what your thinking but think about it. What if you were gone for two weeks with someone you have never met (I didn't know this women before being asked to house sit and met her for the first time the day before she left). WOW...I know! Anyway, it takes a few minutes and it means alot to the owners. Don't think that as the week goes on...the pictures will be getting funnier and funnier. Sorry but if you leave me with your pets you betta believe that they are wearing a hat for a second.
*The other thing that is important is to make sure that you leave the house in the exact manner it was given to you. I know that this sounds like a no brainer but seriously, after a couple of weeks of "make yourself at home" things can get disarrayed. If there is one thing that I always is clean my house when I go on vacation. I HATE coming home to a messy house after taking a trip and so when I house sit I try to leave things the way that they were when I got there. One thing that you can do to make sure that things stay somewhat in order is when you enter the house take a moment and look around....I always do a "walk through" of sorts and make a mental note of where things are. When I use a dish or glass, I clean it and out it right back where it is. Same goes for just about everything else. Right before the owner comes home I usually sweep and tidy up. I really never truly "make myself at home", I always laugh when they say that. I cant "make myself at home" when it is not my home.
*Lastly take out the trash and get the mail. Sounds easy but I am amazed at how many people dont tell me to do this. You want me to stay at your house but not collect the mail??? Just know that they want this. I always take out the trash/recycling and bring in the mail each day. If you sleep in the guest room why not just go ahead and wash the bedding and return it to the bed. You know that they are going to do it anyway so why not just throw it in the washer and get it done. Dont think that an extra load is not done when I am there...I have no washer and dryer so after I wash the bedding I just do a load for my self and everyone is happy.
This way the owner comes home and
A: the house is clean
B: less work for them to get things back on track
C: you seem awesome and they feel like it is money well spent
One last thing that I do is always leave a note telling them if anything went wrong (fingers crossed) and THANK YOU. It is important thank the person for the opportunity to make some extra cash! I always leave the porch light on if they are returning in the evening and leave the key for them (tell them in the note where it is). This way, you don't even have to see them again. It will allow them more time to get settled in and your job is done! Sounds like a lot, I know but it really isn't. It is just what I would want if someone was at my place. I am not saying go in and scrub the place or anything but a little tidying up can go a long way. These tips have gotten me so many house sitting jobs I cant even count. My name has been given to tons of people and if I can squeeze it in, I do it. It makes things a little crazy but hey, some extra money (especially when you do things like break your new computer) is always helpful.
Let me know if there is anything that YOU do that is not in the post that makes for a perfect house sitter. Is there something that you wish your house sitter would do when your gone?
Ok on to the eats. I was waiting for it, I know you were too. Something that I love more than anything is OATS! I love me some oatmeal and you know (if you have been a reader of mine for a while) that I have oatmeal for breakfast everyday September through February pretty much. There is just something that rubs me the wrong way about hot oatmeal in the Spring and Summer though....Well, I have fixed that! This morning I give you:
OVERNIGHT OATS! Oh my how they are goooooood, better than regular hot oatmeal if I dare say... This is PERFECT for when you are on the go and have no time for breakfast. I am telling you excuses. My client said to me the other morning "Heather, I just dont have time to make breakfast so I just either dont eat or go to the drive through." GASP! have time and lettme tell you why....
You make it the night before, grab n go! Overnight oats, I love you. This is great for me when I am house sitting because I use my own container, my own food and it takes no time for me at all! It allows me more time to tend to the animals, garden and get myself beautified for the day =)

Overnight Oats!
In a container goes:
1/2 cup of oats (any will do)
hand full of dried berries (I like cranberries or raisins)
hand full of nuts or seeds (I used raw sunflower seeds)
1 table spoon of apple butter
Mix and then fill the container with almond milk, milk or water just to where it covers the oats. Give it another good stir and your done! Cover and wait for the goodness in the morning...I topped mine with some strawberry granola and pb and you have the most chewy, creamy goodness you ever thought possible. You can go crazy...add in what you want, it will only make this better. DO. IT. NOW. You will thank me later! If you really wanted to you could make a huge batch and have breakfast for the week! If you use almond milk you have no worries of it going bad. Add in some cottage cheese, egg whites or protein powder and you have yourself a POWER breakfast! Just try it.
Gotta run....I will tell you all about the computer thing another time!
See you soon!