Thursday, April 1, 2010

All Fool's Day.

This morning I woke up to these two guys... I am really hoping that they are a couple, but you never know. This guy and gal totally made my morning! Maybe a omen? They were so cool to look at. I ran in and grabbed my camera as quickly as I could. This is not the best shot in the world but non the less pretty darn good for it being spur of the moment. They were right over my bedroom cuddling all night hopefully. I gotta dreams lately have been very interesting to say the least. I have had four dreams back to back about the same kind of thing. It is weird. Never has that happend to me. It is interesting to me what comes out in dreams. You really find out what your mind is really thinking about. Let's just say food has been on my mind!
With that being said, I have had a interesting request. A reader wanted me to take a picture of the inside of my fridge. At first I thought...ummmm, really? There is not that much in it! I go to the grocery store almost every other day because I eat a ton of fresh veggies and fruits and dont like to have it just sitting in the fridge. Most of the time the things in my fridge are eaten that day or the next. It is never stocked really. But you asked! I deliver! I could have taken all the produce out of the bags to make it look pretty but it's a fridge...pretty is not in his vocabulary. This is it folks...I have to say...I laughed when you asked me for the picture. I thought at first..."wait, is that too personal?" but then I thought "awww, who cares! I mean, it's not my dresser drawers or anything..." Dont ask.

Now that you know what that looks like lets move on shall we...I got some products in the mail and devoured them in a matter of days. You know how I do. Here's the run down:

VeganEssentials is an online store located in Waukesha, Wisconsin. We have been in business since early 1998 and are one of the USA’s oldest cruelty-free retailers, filling the needs of vegans worldwide for nearly a decade. They are a vegan owned and operated store that specializes in only offering the highest quality animal-free products, and our mission is to offer unparalleled service and selection all in one location, making us a one-stop shopping destination for all things vegan. Founded by Courtney and Sue Ernster, our product selection was originally only available through printed catalogs, but over the years we have evolved to be internet-based for showcasing our product selection in order to reduce paper waste and make shopping as fast and easy as possible. They've grown to a staff of 8 to serve the vegan community by offering the largest selection of cruelty-free items in one location while making your shopping experience pleasant and convenient. We want to get you what you need as quickly as possible when you’re in need of products that are free from animal ingredients and animal testing. Every product that leaves their store is a vote in favor of supporting cruelty-free options to make for a kinder planet! Here is the link to visit yourself!

Colleen was kind enough to send me a few samples from the site and some of them were quite interesting...

Real Berry Organic Fruit Bar:
Which I did not like. This bar had the worse fake fruit taste ever. I am sorry but I couldnt even finish this. I liked the fact that it was organic and 100 cals and I really wanted to like it but I didnt. I gotta be honest here.
I also got:

Real Green Organic Fruit! Veggie Bar:
Even worse. I like "green" foods. I love amazing grass bars and that is about as "green" of a taste I can take. I even put greens in my smoothies so I am not one to be sensitive to a "green taste". However, there was nothing "green" about this bar. It just was awful. broke my heart not to finish this one either.

Ok, on to the things I DID like. I hate saying that I dont like something and please know that this is just my opinion.

I got: I Love spirlina! So I loved this ball of energy. It was great. I was surprised out filling it was and happy to see that it had 6 grams of fiber in it.

Nibmor dark raw chocolate bar....Now your talkin to me. It was divine! I could eat a million of these....ok maybe not but I want to ;)
I really liked the texture. It is the melt in your mouth chocolate bar of my dreams. The taste was really bold so a little went a long way.
Last I tried:
Organic, Raw, Healthy, Delightful Pure Bar. Ummmm, yeah. I think that is me on the package... This is the best bar I have ever tried in my life! I really liked it cold. I had it in the fridge for a couple of days and just the other morning decided that it was time to taste it. I was only going to have half but as soon as I took a bite, my eye widened amd I was sold. So much that I contacted the company. I have got to try the other flavors now. I cant find them here in Athens though :(
I am getting a box for those on the go snacks that I need to have with me. These will not disapoint, promise!
I really thought that the customer service was gret from vegan essentials. They were totally nice enough to send me an array for things which I liked. They have so many things to offer on their site! If you are vegan or if you are wanting to transistion to become a vegan please take a peak at their products. They have almost everything you could want!
Thanks so much for reading! I will see ya soon. I have some really great reviews coming up AND I will be making even more dishes to share with you!