Thursday, July 23, 2009
Rise and Shine, Rise and Shine!!!
This morning has turned into a giddy one! I woke up at 7:00 a.m. this morning and drug myself outta bed...I didn't want to, I wont lie...I went on a 30 minute walk, came home and did about 15 minutes of yoga and felt like a new women. I think that I am addicted to yoga now. I mean if I dont take at very least 15 minutes of yoga and get in at least 2 or three downward dogs I am a reck all day. I got ready for work in record time and headed out the door. I read a e-mail from my roomie in England it was sweet so it put me in a gooood mooood! I love it when that happens. Especially because I had to tell her that our power bill was 200 bucks! OUCH! I freaked when I opened that one. For sure. Anyway, I am fine now and when I got a nice response from her about it, it made me in a good mood. Something else that is making me have a skip in my step is that I got asked out on a date! Yes, a DATE! Best of all from a NORMAL (or so he appears) guy with a JOB (yes, I have some high standards can you tell?). Anyway, I will tell you the story of how we met but instead of wasting some good typing space I will spare you until I hang out with him for sure and know whether or not he is a figment of my imagination or in fact real. Anyway, I feel pretty darn good about this one for some reason (haven't really been on to many dates and have been single now for 6 months!). I am ready, I think...I am going into it with light expectations and really just want some company. I will keep you posted!
So what did this happy, yoggie eat for breakie this morn?
Yummy! I love oats and I LOVE fluffy oat bran. I added almond milk and blueberries this morning with a half of a naner! I think that this one was the best this week. You know that a blob of PB2 went on top (I get too excited and take the pic before I mix the pb2 together!)
I am walking to day again at lunch (weather permitted!) and hope to at very least get in about 3.5 miles at around 55 minutes. That would make me happy and feel like I am doing something. I want to start waking up every morning and walk, get in some yoga so that I can get in another walk and even more yoga later. I like to break up my exercise into about 3 sessions a day. What I need is to add in some strength training for my arms and legs. I am, I just need to take it slow and see how my bod feels. I am still not trusting myself with the weights. I know that once I get in there I will want to lift HEAVY and I just cant do that right now. I can say that swimming will be in my near future. FO SHO!
So lunch will be the last piece of salmon. Plain and simple.
Nothing to fancy but I can tell you this...It is WAY better than the McDonald's that most people stuff in their faces for lunch at the office. I actually don't even pay attention to what people eat around here. I know that our fridge at work has some pretty darn good things in there though. It makes me happy to see that the people I work with eat well. I LOVE this one lady at work (Shelly, you know I do) and she brings in the BEST fresh produce to work. I could hang out with her all day. She is the best! My walking partner.
I plan on having some raw almonds and cherries today as well but going to do my very best not to eat them together (even though I want to!!!). It is true that pairing the right foods makes all the difference as far as gas and bloat goes. Sorry, but it is true. Thanks Gena, you rock! I noticed yesterday when I ate the fruit and nuts together almost as soon as I swallowed them together my stomach started gurgling and I felt bad...Today, is experiment day...This shall work! So after a snack I will run home. Shower, yoga it up and get ready for my date. I have no earthly idea where we will be eating but I know that a salad has my name on it! I have two tickets to a wine tasting and appetizer sampler at the Athens Botanical Gardens tonight. I am going to ask him if he would like to go to that as well. We will see!!!
I found out that the nice nice nice people (poor folks that have to listen to me talk about the lack of bowels...) Are sending me another month of the colonix and also some probiotics so this should in fact help. I am thankful that they are so understanding and know that I am doing everything that I can to get the experience that I want! I mean, come on....Who wants to drink that stuff every single day and still not go. Anyway, a update as promised and I will continue so my apologies in advance for the many posts ahead that will have the word poop (or lack of) in my posts! But hey, a girl has to do what a girl has to do. I review products and well...this one just so happens to be a tender subject to some.
So I have the date time 6:30 pm. He is picking me up old school style and I am sooooo excited. I am totally going to allow him to take the drivers seat and see if he can handle it. Lets see. He seemed super nervous. All 37 years of him! That was kinda cute. I will offer the wine tasting if we cant decide where to go (hell I can get a salad anywhere). I hope it goes smooth as puddin. I know it will. I have a good feeling. (Smiling right now). I walked 3.9 miles at lunch so lets look at the grand total today for me....30 minute slow wake up walk, 15 minutes of yoga, 3.9 miles at lunch in 60 minutes and I will be running to the gym to get in 50 minutes of chest and back then home to stretch and shower for my sweetie (did I just call him sweetie?) to pick me up and go have a grand ol time. (here's to hoping!). I cant wait to tell you guys the details. You know I am not telling him about the blog, just yet anyway. I wouldn't want him to know all my secrets!
OK , back to work. I need to get my head outta these clouds people. Ciao!