Friday, June 19, 2009

Could it get any better?

Oh, how I am glad that it is Friday! I am so siked about this. I have no plans but you better believe that I am going to enjoy myself. I plan on swimming alot this weekend and work on my tan a bit! I woke up AGAIN this morning and got in a walk! I am proud of myself. I wake up and feel so tight and sore and still manage to get up and out the door, of course this helps me!

It is kinda sad that this little guy can have such an effect on me but he does! I just think to myself "get up and you get to eat this on your way out the door!" And so I do. I had it stuffed with macadamia nut butter this morning. I have to say I love the pecan butter more but hey, I like to change it up each day. While on my walk this morning I saw a huge billow of smoke coming from the downtown area and realized that a building was on fire. Being that I work downtown I was concerned. When I got home I found out that the Georgia Theater( the building is one of Athens landmarks and have been there for as long as I can remember, I have played at the venue several times and seen a tonof great shows there). It burned down this morning at around 7:00 a.m. I saw the whole thing....Pretty sad.

Today is going to be a different day as far as food goes. I am kinda looking forward to not going to the gym on my lunch break today. I have decided that a rest day is needed and I plan to do just that. Rest. After I got home from my walk I stretched really well and then decided that because I woke up earlier than usual (6:30 a.m. this time) it was a good idea to take advantage of the extra time and staighten my hair this morning. Because I will not be at the gym sweating like crazy I went for it! I should have taken a picture this morning of it but because it took so long I was in a rush to get out the door. I always get double takes when I straighten my hair for some reason. Folks like it. Maybe I will meet some hot guy that likes it. Kidding! Anyway, I got home had a Noni shot and took my vitamins and rushed out the door. I am all out of my wheat grass (so very sad) now I dont know what I will do...I do however still have some packs of the amazing meal and intend to take advantage of it for lunch! I also had half of a amazing grass bar before heading to work...My tummy was talkin to me!

I ate half of one and out the door I went. I got to work went up to the flourth floor to get a good look at the Georgia Theater up in smoke, shook my head and back to my desk to start the work day. Of course I was accompanied by a large cup of cofee.

I had coffee this morning with unsweetend almond milk and one stevia packet. This is how I take my coffee now, see ya later splenda! This got me goin (as if the walk wasnt enough). After about and hour it was time to have a real breakfast so I went back to what I had (and what held me over until lunch) the hemp begal!
This mornings begal was more simple but still devine! I had the begal with egg whites and veganese, wow was it gooooood! I know that this will hold me over until this afternoon for my "lunch". I got a huge surprise yesterday when I got home and I am soooooooo happy to give a review about it this morning! I have been contacting several companies about getting to sample some kombucha and no one has gotten back to me at all. Well I was wrong! I got a box with a bottle of each flavor yesterday from:

First I would like to say THANK YOU for sending me the package! I was begining to think that I was never going to get any! I was worng! When I got the package I could smell the kombucha and immediately a red flag had gone off. "Oh no, I thought...I think they exploded." These things have to be sitting upright and you have to be careful when opening them because they will over flow on you if you shake too hard. When I opened the package I saw that they had been shook and a couple of them did infact come open. I was sad by this but managed to save a few bottles. The company had packaged them well so I dont know what the deal was. I got the package about 15 minutes after it had arrived so it wasnt sitting on my front porch long. Maybe they will send me the other flavors that had come open in the process of shipping. One bottle was upside down when I opened the box. YOu have to be careful when drinking something that has cultures because you dont want them to go bad and then drink it. Anyway. This morning was the test. Here is a picture of the flavors! The Pure Essance, Ginger Devotion and the green lovin was opened but I was able to try out the Bliss berry one this morning! First I would like to say that the bottle is very pleasing to look at. The art work is fantastic and the bottle looks so inviting. I was pleased to open this purple bottle and take my first sip. My first thought was "Wow, this is sweet but not too sweet, a nice fizzle and super refreshing." I knew what to expect because I have tried the synergy products but I must say, I like this brand better. The nutrional facts on the bottle are great! 35 calories and really low carb for a nice drink. I drank the whole thing (I couldnt help myself!). I am in love! I so wish that I had more than just the few bottles that I have in the fridge. I was really interested in the green lovin one. I felt really good after drinking this bottle this morning too. I really did. I seriously could feel my mood shift. The Living ElixirTM that they create is a delicate synergy of science, spirit, and art. They have carefully selected the finest, certified organic, and fair trade ingredients from around the world to bring us one of the healthiest and most nutrient rich foods on Earth.
You'll find all their products available for shipment within the United States in their store. If you live in the New England area of the US, you may also be able to find it at your local store. The website to check out their products are:

here is some great info from the site as well.

The Living ElixirTM
Due to the production of B-vitamins, pro-biotics, and compounds including gluconic, lactic, and folic acids, drinking Kombucha tea regularly has been shown to benefit the human body by:
balancing the metabolism
cleansing the blood and regulating pH levels
improving liver, gall bladder, and digestive function
detoxifying the body and enhancing the immune system
raising overall energy level
There is so much known and unknown about the properties of kombucha and we would like to provide you with this list of all of the components of various samples of kombucha tea that is available in the incredible work by Michael Roussin at We highly reccomend this paper if you are interested in the more technical side of kombucha and its properties.
Here is an aphabetical list of chemical components found in kombucha.
4-AcetamidophenolAcetic acidAcetoacetic acidBenzoic acid, 2-amino-, 3-phenyl-2-propenyl esterBenzonitrile, 4-hydroxy-2(4H)-Benzofuranone, 5,6,7,7a-tetrahydro-4,4,7a-trimethyl-2,6-Bis(t-butyl)-4-(dimethylbenzyl) phenolButanoic acid, 3-methyl1-Butanol, 3-methyl-2-t-Butyl-4-(dimethylbenzyl) phenolCaffeineCitric acidCyanocobalamin (B-12)Decanoic acidD-Ribo-hexos, 2,6-dideoxy-3-0-methyl-2,3-Dihydro-1-methylindene2,5 Diketo-gluconic acidEthyl AcetateFructosed-Gluconic acidGlucoseHexanoic acid(1H)Imidazo[2,1-f]purine-2,4(3H,8H)-dione, 8-ethyl-1-methyl-7-phenyl-Itaconic acid2-Keto-gluconic acid5-Keto-gluconic acid2-Keto-3-deoxy-gluconic acidLactic acid5-Methoxy-1-(3-methoxy-4-methylphenyl)-1,3,3,6-tetramethylindanNiacinamideNicotinic acidPantothenic acid6-Phospho gluconateOctanoic acidOxalic acidPhenol, 4-ethylPhenylethyl AlcoholPropionic acidRiboflavind-Saccharic acid (Glucaric acid)d-Saccharic acid 1,4 lactone (Glucaro 1,4 lactone)Succinic acidThiamind-Xylonic acid
Check out for more info.

So there you have it a great review from me. **** This company is great for sending me some product my way I love this stuff and if you like synergy you will LOVE Katalyst Kombucha.

After my lovely bottle of kombucha and some blogging it was time for lunch. I decided today that I would go home and make a much needed smoothie. It is going to be up to 103 today and a cold smoothie on my front porch is just what the doctor ordered!

What was in my beautiful pink smoothie you ask? Well I will tell ya!

1/2 banan

flax seeds

amazing grass (berry) meal pack

unsweetend almond milk


wild blueberries

1/2 a stevia pack

WOW! This baby was intense and goooood to the last slurp. I always wish that I had like 4 smoothies when I have anything from amazing grass. I know if I have said it once I have said it a million times...Amazing grass is truley AMAZING! Terri Jo is a angel for sending me some products my way the only downfall is that I am so addicted I cant imagine my life without it! After sitting outside and worked up a sweat I went in, stretched and got back in the car to go back to work and finish off my work day. I then replied to some e-mails ran around the office like freak and day dreamed about laying by the pool on Saturday. Tonights dinner is going to consist of this.

Canned chicken all natural with avocado veganese, black beans, corn and tomato. A little pepper for good measure. It will be good I know. Mainly because I am going to let it sit and all hang out together until dinner time. You better believe that I will have two glasses of wine with dinner as well tonight. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and relax if at all possible, I know that I will be. I will see you all on Monday with more reviews and hopefully feeling great. See ya!