Monday, May 18, 2009


It's Monday...

Is there a better day in the week to start off the day will a drink? Of course I am not sipping on what looks delicious to the left but I sure wish that I was. I would just about do anything for some fresh squeezed orange juice and champagne. Oh my would that be good. Ok Ok Ok, back to reality! This morning still started off right and with what else than some Acai puree with a chopped banana and some granola. Mondays I have to be extra nice to myself so that I have a good week. This is the day I usually allow myself something extra special. This hit the sweet spot this morning as I needed something cool and refreshing to get started. I am going to have to do this more often. It gave me energy and allowed me to ease into this Monday morning. 1 down and 3 to go!!! Days that is. I am so close to going on vacation I can feel it! It is going to be awesome too. I am just ready to go and come back completely healed and ready to workout again. I have loved and hated this break. Well one thing good happened this weekend and that was the show! It went smoothly and not a seat in the house was empty. That was nice because I hadn't really played since Winter (solo that is) and it felt so nice to know that people were still interested! I also got a nice surprise, I have been getting some e-mails from people that are in SF that I met while visiting last time and they want to hang out. This guy Alex in particular made me smile. My snack will Greek yogurt. This is my favorite snack of all time and if I could I would eat this stuff every day. Unfortunately at 2 bucks a pop I am not willing to pay 16.00 dollars a week to support my yogurt habit.

This is a dream snack for me. Creamy smooth and filling. I love the amount of protein that I am getting with this snack and it is super easy to take with me to work!

For lunch today I am having a "chicken" cutlet and some veggies. A perfect light lunch. I enjoy this combo because I get both the good carbs and healthy protein. I like the taste of the fresh produce that I don't even need to put any salad dressing on it at all.

This is super easy for me to make at work, I pre-cook the chicken and than bring in bagged washed Romain, tomato, onion, avocado and peppers. And there you have it.

For dinner tonight it is something special. I am a LOVER of Thai food and I thought some coconut Mung Bean tofu sir fry would be warm and yummy.

I thought it would be funny to put it under a Japanese magazine and take this photo! I am not drinking that coke zero that you see in the back ground sorta. That is the roomies! I found some of the best young coconuts at Earth Fare and just had to get two for this recipe. There is nothing like fresh coconut juice for some really good Thai food!

I also picked up some cheese for my review on Kerrygold products! I was very excited to be able to pick out what I wanted. I was going to wait until I got back from my trip but I decided that I would share what I got with Beth and Karen and that way I wasn't eating a whole block of cheese before I left and wasn't waisting!

I decided to go with the aged cheddar and boy was I glad that I did. This cheese is all that you need! It has a intense flavor and smell. It would be pleasing at any wine tasting or dinner party. You could pair this with some great olives, peppers, jam or even some crackers and it would meld together perfectly. I chose to just have it all alone and it satisfied my cheese tooth so to speak. If there is one thing that I love more than Greek yogurt it is cheese. I love the stuff but cant really have it. I try my best to stay away from dairy except for my Greek yogurt. I wish that I could eat it all the time (well, maybe...If I could I probably would and well, that could get me into trouble). I would give these products 4 stars. I also got some Irish Butter.
Kerrygold Key Benefits* Kerrygold products are entirely hormone-free.* Kerrygold uses natural farming methods and centuries-old processes tomake butter and cheese.* Cows are entirely grass fed and only summer milk is used, which isrichest in Beta-Carotene.* Beta-Carotene, nature's own pigment, gives Kerrygold dairy productsdistinctive golden color and flavor definition.* Ireland has the longest grass-growing season in the world, which meansdairy herds enjoy fresh pastures* Ireland is one of the only places left where dairy herds roam free.Irish Dairy Board Background* "Kerrygold" is the international brand of the Irish Dairy Board.* Kerrygold is a cooperative; the milk used to make cheeses and buttercome from a vast number of small local Irish farmers that meetKerrygold's exacting standards.* Although it serves a global market with distribution to more than 80countries and sales approaching $2 billion, Kerrygold adheres to a smallfarm approach.

I had some of this last night on a piece of french bread and it was delightful. Full of butterfly flavor and spread so smoothly on the bread. This is the best butter that I have ever tried. All in all a great weekend full of trying out new products and there is nothing better than giving a great review. I just love it when I expect to try and review a great product and then it turns out that it actually lives up to my expectations. Thanks Kerrygold for the coupons! Happy Monday to you all and relax we have the rest of the week to get through lets glide on through!
Back to my Beloved Acai!!!!

I just got this amazing photo from Acai Roots and they helped me out with some more pictures and info so that you can really get a good idea how awesome they truely are: Take a look for yourself!

This gives you a much better idea of how aesome these products are. Look at the color!!! Acai Roots definatley has the goods! I have been seeing Samazon products for years now and I have truly never seen anything like this. The taste this moring was unbelieveable. I am so happy to of gotten samples! The link to get your very own Acai is PLEASE go there and check out all of thier item. They have super fast shipping and top of the line Acai. This is what they look like in the stores if you ever get to shop somewhere that has their products.
The Acai Berry Boosts Immunity
More and more people seem to be getting sicker, longer than ever before. This is because our food is grown in environments which are poorer in natural minerals and we don't eat as well as we should. The Acai berry is grown in the Brazilian Amazon rain forest in some of the richest soil on the planet. As a result, each berry is packed with the most complete naturally occurring assortment of exactly what the body needs to fight disease and increase energy. When the body has what it needs to fight off disease, the human body becomes amazingly resilient to infections both from bacterial agents, as well as viral agents.
Why are Antioxidants so Important?
To understand the role that antioxidants play, you have to understand what free radicals are. Free radicals are molecules that reportedly damage our cellular membranes and even our DNA. Free radicals come from various pesticides, preservatives, and pollutants in the very air that we breath. If our bodies lack the fuel to fight off these free radicals, then we run the risk of our cells mutating and forming cancerous growths. Antioxidants are created by the body from various substances and are what the body uses to fight off these free radicals and strengthen cells. Antioxidants allows the body to neutralize many of these free radicals reducing the risk of many diseases, including heart disease. The body converts many vitamins and minerals into antioxidants, of these most are contained in the Acai berry.
The Acai Berry Boosts Resistance to Diseases
Nothing is more essential to living a healthy life, than having a strong immune system. It is extremely important that we give our body nutrients that it needs to fight sickness. Diseases can cause us to age more rapidly and can lead to many more life threatening issues. Research has shown that antioxidants are vital to strengthening the body's ability to resist disease. These antioxidants play a vital role in strengthening our cellular walls and decreasing cholesterol related disease.
The Acai Berry Increases Energy
While the immune system is perhaps the most important benefit, many people also use Acai to boost their energy levels. The failure of people to eat a diet high in antioxidants leads to drastically decreased energy levels as they grow older. Many people have reported having increased energy, stamina, and vitality comparable to when they were in their twenties. Imagine the change in lifestyle you will see simply by adding Acai to your diet.
The Acai Berry and Cholesterol
The Acai berry can help maintain good (HDL) cholesterol while reducing bad (LDL) cholesterol. This is necessary to reduce the risk of fatty buildups in the arteries which can lead to heart disease. Even the FDA is starting to realize the potential that the essential fatty acids can play in decreasing heart disease. They recently began allowing manufacturers to put the following statement on their Omega-3 containing products: "Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease." In addition to the essential fatty acids, the antioxidants contained in the Acai berry, can help to reduce the risk of heart disease reportedly caused by free radicals in the body.

Acai is a Brazilian berry original from the Amazon Region that is considered to be one of nature's most complete and healthy foods. The acai berry is loaded with antioxidants, amino acids, essential omegas, fibers and proteins. Some of the health benefits associated with the acai berry are: increase in sustained energy, healthy cholesterol support, improvement of digestive system, strengthening immune system, among others. Oprah's website described acai as "one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world...", while the book, The Perricone Promise, calls it the "nature's perfect energy fruit." Learn more about the best acai products.

Acai Roots ™ is a full line of delicious and healthy acai berry products, formulated to exacting standards by local Brazilians from Rio de Janeiro, who were born and raised on Acai. Our Açai is considered the "cream of the crop" of acai in Brasil. Our wild harvested açai comes from the Belem region of the State of Para, where Brasil produces its highest quality of açai. Acai Roots ™ is simply the best 100% Natural Acai available anywhere! The sustainable harvesting of the acai berry helps protect the Amazon Forest and support local communities. To learn more about Acai Roots™ click here.
CAll today! To order your superfood, Acai!